cheeky_girl_kat Member


  • I'm a mom of three. My little guy just turned one and my girls are 10 and (almost) 3. I'm turning 35 in a couple months and have been over weight my entire life. I lost 75lbs after having my second baby brining me to my all time lowest weight of my adult life. And then getting pregnant with number three and throwing all my…
  • I'm so sorry for your loss *hugs* Take this time to take care of your mental and emotional health. Your weight loss journey can be put on hold for the time being. I suggest trying to stay around maintenance but don't stress if you go over. You're going through a lot right now.
  • Another from Ontario
  • I won't be able to participate in the challenges and wanted to wish everyone the very best of luck reaching their weight loss goals. And much luck with their ttc journey and future pregnancies. We started ttc in November and I am currently 3 weeks 6 days.