@DeguelloTex thanks! That's a great idea! @aggelikik That's exactly what I'm looking for. Variation, different viewpoints and lots of ideas.
Thanks @vadimknobel this helps a great deal! @RodaRose preparation time is not really an option. I'm just looking for foods that satiate your hunger for a relatively long time.
:D :D
6 hours 30 minutes
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!
Getting my workouts done in an air conditioned gym helped me a lot :D
I barely eat anything for breakfast and I'm losing about 200-250 g daily. I began on the 20th of July, and I've lost 6 kgs so far, so I guess it works out for me pretty well.
cute smile
Villain :#
An insta-muscle tablet
No, but I'm definately out of her league :D
thought so :D no worries
Right about to
first love
About to get busy in the lab
Run with
Linda Hamilton
A huge plate of fried chicken with french fries... Will eat zucchini pancakes insted :neutral:
you mean :D
free : be
you beauty
yum grilled salmon
Always has a great time where she is
lily of the valley