cjschulting Member


  • Californiagirl... beautiful sunset. Where in California are you living, my daughter went to school out there and is staying :( She's a long way from home and rarely do I see all that green lush landscape when I am out there. Beautiful!!
  • Good Morning Ladies!! It's Thursday, day #4 of my journey to eat healthier. Why is eating healthy such a chore? It goes on so easily but comes off so miserably slow..... enough whining! Thank you for being here. I am new at this so trying to figure out all these boards. I wish you all a happy, healthy and active day!!
  • I have about 60to lose. I am over 50... Seems like an insurmountable hill.. Anyone else in this boat?
  • Day 1....check! I am in and looking forward to motivating others and leaning on others as well!
  • Good morning all!! Here I am....... I don't want to be "Debbie downer" but man have I been struggling. I am so NOT on a decent eating plan. I wake each day and simply say....eat healthy, that's all, just eat healthy. It's not how many times we get knocked down, it's how many times you get back up, right??!! So who's with…
  • Ladies this is a lifestyle change! Everything is ok in moderation. Right?! We want to adopt an eating behavior that we can live with for a lifetime! We can do this however I have concerns that the upcoming holiday will knock me off track and then I struggle to get back on track. It's too soon in my journey to face this…
  • How is everyone doing? I have struggled but seem to be back on track today. Thank goodness. I hope it's the beginning of a long stretch of healthy food choices.
  • Have any of u heard of Yoli or tried that program?
  • I can say when I am not on here it's bc I am so far off track, I can't deal with it. But I have found I relate to nearly everyone in our group, si, here I am...reading and feeling the motivation. Maybe tomorrow will be the beginning of many successful days
  • Consuelo, u sound just like me. We know what we need to do and it should be east, but I struggle!! I am not on track. Everyday I vow to be on track, but life happens and by 9am, it's a lost cause.
  • Thank u Rachel! Today was horrible! Praying for a good Monday. I I am not seeing too many posts and that is worrisome. When I don't post it means I am way off track! So how is everyone doing?
  • Welcome to all that I haven't had a chance to hello to! We all are here for a common goal and that's our health. I started the week fairly well but that is not today's story. Just all the wrong choices, all the wrong amounts. Lots on my mind and have terrible time sleeping. Sometimes it feels like an impossible hill to…
  • Cate, welcome to our support group!! I can totally understand your frustration. I too was in denial. I didn't think I looked "that" bad or that my health was being impacted "too much." My 2nd job is working in a clothing store, I pass mirrors all the time.......that was an eye opener. I took the 2nd job bc I sit at a desk…
  • Good job on the loss!!
  • bshmerlie, you are so right, planning ahead is so helpful. But honestly, I suck at it...lol!! I work generally 730 am to 630 pm during the week and work 4-5 hours on Saturday and sunday. When I get free time, I don't want to plan... lol!! I realize you are so right though and I am going to make a better effort. I know when…
  • Rachel I see you were up at 3:53 am. That would be disasterous for me. That is one of my issues. I don't sleep well, for example at 1:52 am I was up and feeling overwhelmed bc I have to be at work in 5.5 hours and hadn't slept. Plus Thursdays are 13 hour work day for me. So what do I do? I get up on these sleepless nights…
  • Welcome Cherie!, u are making great progress. That must feel rewarding! This group is just getting started so I am looking forward to embarking on this. New lifestyle with all of u.
  • Hey girls, how is the week going.?
  • Great job Allene and Rachel!! You both made positive steps today. Working out is very important. I stopped working out in March because I work 2 jobs,7days a week. That should be enough to keep me from eating but what usually happens is I get to a point of starvation and when I get off work I eat wrong and a lot. Today was…
  • How is everyone doing this morning? Just checking on u! Progress is not perfection...do your best, make smart choices!
  • Well today was a reality check. Doctor not happy! Cholesterol and triglycerides are far too high. It's time for a lifestyle change or I have to start taking meds.... Feeling scared and frustrated. I can't believe I allowed this to happen and giving up my pleasure foods makes me feel deprived.
  • I checking in with you ladies frequently. Let me know how I can be of help to you
  • Savannah, I am here to help. I have a daughter with binge eating and bulimia. Needless to say, I say nothing around home with regard to weight, appearance and etc. my support comes from work but often they are unintentionally sabotaging me! I am going to have to get my support here!
  • Btw... My name is Cindy. I'm am 53. Tell me about you. Married? Kids? Grandkids? What would u say is the reason u are overweight? I am a junk food junkie. I eat all carbs and sweets. Food is my comfort, stress reliever, friends...etc!!i have to change my relationship with food and in addition make healthier choices. Tell…
  • Girls, your posts sound like they were written by me. Gained 40 lb in 4 years, now have high vp, high cholesterol and high triglycerides!! I struggle with motivation, making good food choices by personally I think chocolate should be a main food group!! I am looking for support and love to help others! I favoriting this…
  • I am new to fitness pal. Struggling with motivation! I am trying to focus on healthy lifestyle. Just got blood work back and triglycerides and cholesterol are high. I am already on by meds, so I don't want any more meds!