
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,042 Member
    good morning my friends~
    slept pretty well and today is my unpaid day off from work, but have to go in for about an hour this afternoon to have something fixed, and then go to a wake tonight....
    Yes Tom is a tightwad and takes care of all the bills,so my paycheck goes into our joint checking account.. I get 20.00 a week spending money and I usually just save that..I will speak with him over the weekend about taking a certain amount of cash with me and be able to use the debit card otherwise...
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Mary so happy to see you back and that you are so improved. I've thought of you often as I notice my arms losing muscle. You got me started doing wall pushups with your enthusiasm. But without your gentle nudging alas i have stopped. I did just read Strong Women Stay Young from the library and then ordered a copy from Half Price Books (love that store!). I have the right weight dumbbells to start but need the ankle weight. Looking forward to having you back all the time! <3
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    edited June 2016
    Allie I also was wondering what happens to the money you earn. Does Tom take care of all the finances and gives you an allowance? Maybe you should bill him for taking care of his Dad. I'm sorry Allie I'm not trying to be a smart a@@ but you deserve so much more!!! Life's too short - be happy!

    About your question regarding a wedding gift I think it's ok to spend less. Are they registered somewhere like a department store? Those not only tell you what they want but what has already been purchased. I hope our have fun at the wedding and a memorable time with your Dad. <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member
    Morning peeps-
    It was like 14-16mph winds yesterday by the time I was ready to go home so I didn't ride home yesterday, took the train then rode. What I did to kill time waiting for the train I rode around the parking lot waiting for the train and I was able to get 2.5mi in, BONUS!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member
    Oh welcome new peeps-!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Paulina ~ Welcome to a caring group of ladies.

    Dr. Katie ~ Congrats on finishing your race. I cannot even walk a mile much less 5.

    Larissa ~ Wishing you a great time in your new job and the bonus of it being close to your home and gym.

    Mary ~ So good to hear from you and glad you are feeling good.

    Heather & Penny ~ We all look forward to hearing about your meeting.

    DH has his antique show this weekend so I am going to steam clean the carpet. That's about it for my exciting life!

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited June 2016
    Bailey, Molly, Mabel, and Farley

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    VirginIslander, welcome.
    Larisa, Congratulations!
    Sylvia, missing you...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa - headed back to town, came out to the ranch for the night.
    It was a good night. :blush:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »

    Barbie: I also have an appointment in Chimacum. Is that near you? Love the photo of Bernie <3<3<3

    Colorado Foothills
    :)Rori, Chimacum is about 30 miles from where I live...when will you be there?

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KetoneKaren - what cute, cute furbabies. And who is handsome Griffin? :)

    Janetr okc
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Karen in VA: Those are pretty cute furbabies and grandbabies :)

    Allie: I'd be having my own account and only placing my share of expenses into a joint account.

    Heather: I'm almost as excited as you are that you are going to meet Penny tomorrow. Only 1 more sleep :D

    Penny: So sorry your north pole isn't working for you.

    Carey- Northern Alberta
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Morning all! Happy Thursday! Love all of the doggie pics!
    Larisa- Congrats on the new job!
    Carey- Tai Chi appeals to me more than yoga. Kickboxing/boxing appeals to me even more. Sometimes when I head out to walk/ride the urge to hit something/some one is so strong I walk/run/ride faster.
    Allie- I get you. My dh also pisses and moans about $$. We are on a tight budget, so I get it, but it took me telling him that I hate asking for money from him because of his constant bitching about it and as I work at home, I don't spend anything and as I contribute half of our income I think I could have $$ when I need/want it without the bitching. LOL! He's a poop!
    Lisa- Glad you are feeling better! Surprising your dh may be better for you than going through your storage warehouses!
    Barbie- Your lavender is gorgeous! So full! Most of the lavender I see around here is kind of scraggly.
    Heather- I am really enjoying the posts about your cruise. I hope dh is feeling better. I giggle every time you write of your "four-stroke" laps across the pool. Smaller pools can be trying!
    Penny-Interesting how your town empties out in the summer season. My town fills up and overflows. I tend to limit my excursions into town during the summer and hit the beaches etc closer to my house (south of town).
    Love and hugs to all I have not mentioned! Katie- good to see you! Hope things have calmed down a bit for you.
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!! It's Thursday, day #4 of my journey to eat healthier. Why is eating healthy such a chore? It goes on so easily but comes off so miserably slow..... enough whining! Thank you for being here. I am new at this so trying to figure out all these boards. I wish you all a happy, healthy and active day!!
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Penny - it looks like www.freesmileys.org 's website is down. I found another north pole that might work for you (although it isn't as cute) . Its from http://www.allsmileys.com/files/sweetim-holidays/6698.gif 6698.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,656 Member
    cjsmulting - Eating healthily doesn't have to be a chore. I am on an all inclusive cruise holiday and I'm still eating healthily and enjoying every mouthful. :D There are loads of tasty recipes that don't pile on the pounds. Do you cook from scratch? That makes things much easier. No one could love food more than me and I have lost 57 pounds.

    We have a LONDON TO PARIS tea in a minute. I have no idea what that is. :noway: Then the Captain's Cocktail Party for newbies, then a three course dinner. Plus canapés in the room. :D I tend to eat tiny portions of the things I like, very little carbs and sugar and lots of salad and veg. Plus fruit. I take the top off the canapé base and just eat that. Same with the tea - I just eat the smoked salmon from the roll. With cheese, my downfall, I have tiny portions, no crackers. No cake, no dessert, but that's not a problem for me. Lots of fish, chicken, lean meat.

    I went to a jewellery class this afternoon and made my very first bead necklace. They charged £10 for the beads, but there are some semi precious ones in there. I am wearing my creation and very happy with it. :D

    I did my mile around the sundeck and I'm hoping to do some ballroom dancing this evening with the "Gentlemen Hosts". I'm going to resist shaking my booty as I want my knee to be in fine form for all the walking Penny's going to be putting me through tomorrow. Sooooooo excited.

    Do you know I'm starving and can hardly wait for tea! Might have a grape.

    Heather, less than 200 miles from Penny. :bigsmile:
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    ljdw99 wrote: »
    My little potting she's with viburnum in full bloom & hydrangea & Rose of Sharon just greening up

    This is beautiful!!!!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Katla, I hope your DH’s problems are temporary also. This getting older is the pits sometimes but sure beats the alternative. Sending good thoughts. ((((Hugs))))

    Heather, sorry to hear one of the stops was cancelled but I know you will make the best of things. With the rough seas is your DH having more sea sickness? I know you and Penny are looking forward to your meet up and we are all right there with you. I hope you have smooth sailing the rest of the trip.

    KarenVA, what do you mean that it’s going to take a while to become “one of the gang”. I thought you already are! flirty-smile-smiley-emoticon.gifOkay I learn something here every day…what is a Coton? Maybe a picture would be helpful. If you ever travel to the Myrtle Beach area I would love to meet up with you. BTW you are doing great on this journey and congrats on the weight loss. Keep up the good work.

    Penny, what a cool web site on Heather’s cruise ship. Thanks, lady! Gosh ya’ll are at the top of the world. I’ll admit I am jealous of both of you getting to meet. Have a wonderful time!!! I like your punny about Shep walking softly with his big stick. Tee hee hee

    Carey, you know if we did things like planting every day we wouldn’t get the aches and pains from it as much. But I admit I’m glad I didn’t live back in colonial times where they had to work so hard physically. I’m a wimp.

    Katla, so glad yoga is doing such good things for you and that you enjoy it so much.

    Bonnie, I laughed to myself when I first read that you walk with your beagle mix because we’ve had one and oh yes they love to sniff everything that has ever passed that way and tend to pull on the leash when ready to move to the next spot. Oh but what fun dogs.

    Pip, I’m not surprised you are in 2nd place in the whole state. I never thought of you as an underachiever. You go girl.

    NYKaren, so proud of you and glad that part is over. At least with it behind you hopefully you can move on and “she” will soon leave you alone.

    Lisa, it does sound like a lot going on in your little town. I guess from a news standpoint it is a good thing. Have a great time whatever you decide to do about going to the ranch.

    Debbie, I hope you didn’t hurt yourself when you fell? The thought of falling puts fear in my heart. With a bad back it just seems so painful.

    Glo, sorry you keep having posting problems but glad you are hanging in here.

    Heather, you have me laughing out loud as I read, “I was really enjoying it, but fell asleep.” yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif I don’t know why that hit me as soooooo funny but it did.
    barbiecat wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Afternoon Kiddo's
    I am at work until 6 ,then home I can't believe 3 weeks from tomorrow I will be on a plane...I have to broach the subject of money to take with me on this trip.
    This wedding is at a fancy joint but we are traveling a distance.So I don't want to be cheap but wonder if 100.00 is enough for wedding gift.we will be spending alot if time with family the days before so I can chip in for stuff.and breakfast at hotel.
    Also my dad will be in wheelchair at the airport's and you have to tip skycap ,say 5 bucks each so that is 25.00 down and 25.00 back..so he better not give me any flack...

    I don't understand at all, why you have to beg for money when you have a job and earn money. That's just not right.

    Janetr okc

    I wonder about that, too.

    I wondered too or does that make me three?
    Larisa, congrats on the job. That sounds perfect!!! Way to go.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I just had time to make it through two more pages of posts and we are off to the beach. relaxing-smiley-emoticon.gif Hope I can get caught up later today. I”ll be thinking of all you wonderful ladies and wishing each of you a happy and healthy day.
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited June 2016

    We have a bumper crop of bunnies here. Unfortunately they do a tremendous amount of damage. That is why I am careful what I am planting this year and bought the bird cages. Some of my plants I am covering with chicken wire too.

    I have a 1/3 acre fenced-in city lot with lots of trees and 'soft' edges that include a lot of mother nature's seed/plant selections that I struggle to keep in bounds ... all goes to make a lovely habitat for the bunnies, squirrels, woodchuck, occasional deer, and stray cats!. But also for many different kinds of birds.

    I figure that's part of my healthy living routine ... getting out into my nature setting on a regular basis to keep after it all. :wink:
  • debbierichardson7186
    debbierichardson7186 Posts: 45 Member
    Charleen and Paulina congrats on the weight loss.

    I'm taking it slow on the walking. Having balance issues, trouble concentrating and muscle weakness. Seeing doctor and dietitian next week. I may be eating too few calories. Am staying under 1500. And I'm not hungry at this level.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited June 2016
    LOL! Geez, sometimes when I'm tempted to eat something I know I shouldn't, I stop and ask myself "Now what would Heather do...?" Okay, now I know. The answer is have a grape.

    SSC (Sorry I've forgotten your name! :blush:) - Thanks for helping out! I've since discovered that the new North Pole gif I'd located after www.freesmileys.org went down WEEKS ago wasn't gone, just undependable. Now you see it, now you don't. I also found the one you suggested, but it's way too sparkly for little ol' me. :innocent:

    KJ, I should be more nuanced. Technically, the town doesn't empty out. Lots of people come here for the summer to do research or work in the tourist industry - and when a big cruise ship comes in the tourists temporarily double the town's population. The emptiness I'm talking about is the more existential kind caused by the absence of the people I know, and especially all the children. If two long-term residents meet at the grocery store in the summer, we exchange a very special look.

    I'm working hard to get a translation commission off my plate before tomorrow at 11 am, when Heather's boat docks. As she alluded to, I have a significant workout planned for her and her DH. :naughty:
    /Penny at the North Pole, risking a 8_2_66v.gifsmiley ???
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Count me in, with the no snakes gratitude. :smiley:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,042 Member
    Hi all again~
    I went and fed my DFIL and then to visit my dad..now this is the house I grew up in and have always felt comfortable there.. now not so much...I can go over on my dads side without problem, but with my daughter,Taliah and Kyle back dont feel comfortable going over there.. so as I am on my dads side of the house I have to text her to see if it is alright for Taliah to come visit over with us.
    they seem to be very unhappy and very ungrateful... well alot of that is Kyle.. but they both want jobs that pay real well so they can get out of my dads house as soon as they can...
    I did my best to get the rooms they needed cleaned and to get it in livable order.. but not well enough for them.. Tracy is going over to the vet that she worked for today to see about a job, but she said it doesn't matter what kind of job it is so long as it pays well enough for them to get out of that house... they are visiting Kyles dad and stepmom today they are up visiting and want to see Tal.. so Tracy was rushing Taliah through breakfast and started screaming at her if she was finished to go brush her teeth as it was time to go.. at that point I said bye to dad and up and left..
    came home to have a snack and a cup of tea, and then go out and mow the lawn... laundry still in dryer and it is only about 50 degrees with the wind blowing.. doesnt feel warm at all..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member
    Damnit 2nd female not 2nd overall, big diff
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Paulina from Addy Washington, artistsande & virginislander2: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I'm glad you're having a good time. :flowerforyou:

    Carey: I'm so sorry that your hamstrings are bothering you. I hope the physiotherapist solves the problem quickly. (((HUGS)))

    Joyce: It sounds as though Charlie & your situation is improving day by day. Yay! :smiley:

    NY Karen: It is great to know that the good kids are still around. I wish your student who wants to be a teacher the very best. :bigsmile:

    Becca: I've been thinking about you & your DH. I've lost track of your appointment at OSHU in Portland, but it seems like it is any time, now. Is it this week? Sending good thoughts your way. :heart:

    We're having a cool & cloudy day that is more like normal June weather around here. I dressed for a warmer day and will probably go back upstairs and put on longer pants and a warmer shirt.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    We have 5 blueberry bushes; loaded with blueberries. Husband put a fence around each and then covered the top. Deer won't get them; but, he has pretty much made it where I can't reach the all. Got to talk to him about how to get through though the top.

    Our grapes have leafed out; but, I have not seen any grapes on them. Deer got them one night and ate everyone of them; so I am sure they'll be back this year, now that they have discovered them. Husband needs to built a fence around them, too.

    DDnL#1's mother took home about 2/3rd of a 5 gallon paint can of wild plums to make jelly out of them. My OS used to make it when they lives in Albany. I've still got some cooked down grape juice and need to get some 1/2 pint jars and make it soon.

    Cracker is beside me asleep in her bed - snoring. Sometimes when she is sleeping she makes this noise as if she has the hiccups or that she is being chase and whimpers ... she know my name (Mama); when her Daddy gets her over in front of him acting like she needs something (like food, go outside, or just wants to get up in his lap); he tells her to 'got to her Mama) and she comes over. When she is asleep and the words, 'dirty, rotten, stinky, spoiled dog' is said ... her eyes pop open and she lifts her head and looks at us. Sometimes she will come over to us and tries to climb up in our laps. Sometimes she just 'jumps up'.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,656 Member
    Penny - Actually I had 3 grapes. >:)

    Heather, drawing ever nearer to the North Pole. :drinker:
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    ljdw99's pretty picture prompted me to post our California sunset last night. It was so pretty. And what I wrote last night with the picture memory:

    I was busy working when I looked up and saw this out my window.

    I had to take a moment to appreciate.

    I took a deep breath. Now I'm rolling up my sleeves and getting back to work.

    Because I have a lot to do, and my life is full, and it's all okay.

    As long as we take a breath and appreciate all the blessings.

    Yes, there were some struggles and some stress too. None of us gets a free pass.

    We all fight the good fight in the end.

    Keep on fighting.

    Busy busy busy, living my dream, and for me that means working hard at what I love doing.

    Have a beautiful day, all you beautiful women 50 plus. Life is just beginning!

  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    I believe Becca's DH is having surgery today (Thursday) at 11:30