I'm always looking for new friends and new motivation! :) add me
Thanks! I didn't see that feature
I will have to try it!! Thank you :)
That's great! Stairs are my fav!!
That is awesome!! I've only been able to get about 5k in :(
Ohhh good ones! I need to start parking far! Lol
Thank you! I am trying this
Lol I don't even eat 5 bars or regular chocolate a day, so no that's not going to happen. But I might just make it a Sunday thing. Workout all week? Logged all week? Are good all week? The I deserve a chocolate Sunday! :)
Oh my goodness! My mouth got so watery lol thank you so much for sharing this!
Thank you all for the suggestions! I'm going to try them all and see what works best for me!
That's hard for me lol I tell myself once a week and that turns into one every other day
I have tried and it doesn't satisfy me as much. It makes me crave milk chocolate more lol :(