mlz1413 Member


  • I use the base calories as what I must eat and the exercise calories as ones I can use if I choose to Also if you lose weight very quickly it can be very hard to maintain that, so a steady 2lb a week is a better rate to aim for
  • If I cook a butternut squash I also roast the seeds separately. Try with salt & pepper or a sprinkling of cayenne pepper & chilli powder, you can try any combo of herbs and spices you like. Let the seeds cool completely before putting in an air tight container.
  • Salad Cooked Tomatoes and mushrooms Sweet potatoes Baked squash / courgette / aubergine (or all three) also add cherry tomatoes, sausages and a good sprinkle of mixed herbs for a one pot meal
  • I'm not an egg fan, I have to be in mood for them and that is not when I'm in a hurry! Try a bacon sandwich Bacon with a slice of toast and baked beans on top (or even a tin of beans and sausages) Bacon, cherry tomatoes (dry fried) and hash Brown Toast with any topping Cereal & milk 0% Greek yogurt and fruit of your choice…
  • What about upping your calories allowance by exercising? So how about if you want 600 worth of beer having a small bowl of cereal for breakfast at 200, then soup at lunchtime at 150, dinner needs to be chicken or fish with lots of veg and a little rice OR potatoes so approx 450, then a half hour walk at lunchtime and/ or…
  • Try logging your food with the barcode scanner as this can show what is high in fat and salt as well as the calories, this can help see if you are eating what you think you are
  • I log every day and I am honest about everything I eat and drink, the barcode scanner is brilliant. I figure if I'm not honest with myself then I'm on a loser before I start. Seeing the weekly averages is a good way of noting bad habits, for me alcohol, so it's been easy to set myself a goal not to drink in the week. Also…
  • I have a dog so walk morning and evening around my 8-5 job. I downloaded map my walk so it syncs to MFP. I want to do a workout a week but can't bear to miss what little Sun is left at the end of the day so have decided to start this in a couple of months. But I'm feeling a bit lazy now I've read what some of you are doing!
  • Batch cooking does sound the way to go, quorn chilli and bolgnese could be portioned and frozen to microwave whilst cooking rice / pasta. A slow cooker can be left all day so you serve up whenever you are ready veggie meals do well in these as well as chicken
  • Yogurt with nuts / seeds / fruit. Buy a big tub of 0% fat yogurt and a selection of small bags of mixed seeds / nuts / fruit and and daily put a measure into a bowl and eat or put in a air tight tub and take to work to eat at your desk. Takes minutes and you can have a different flavour each day. Oh and frozen berries are…