sarabucknam Member


  • I'm 40, and I'm slowly getting some muscle tone. Even though I'm in the 'normal range' for BMI, my body fat % is above the normal range. Trying to find the right balance of calories/macros while lifting (doing Body Beast at-home program). I'm not really concerned about the number of the scale - want to lower body fat % and…
  • Great job!!! The first week of any fitness program is always the hardest. I've done Focus T25 and I couldn't believe how sore my calves were that first week! Shaun T doesn't mess around!
    in T25 Comment by sarabucknam July 2015
  • I'm working on it. Still trying to figure out the right calorie intake. I'm in the 'normal range' for my BMI but body fat % is way high (29%). Last week when I got my body composition done (do it every week at a sports nutrition store), I lost 2 pounds, but body fat % stayed the same and lean muscle % went down slightly. I…
  • So jealous that you have access to LM classes - there are ZERO LM classes in my repressed part of the world (otherwise known as the state of Iowa). I did the at-home versions of Pump & Combat (though BeachBody) and absolutely LOVED those.
  • 1) Select Tech dumbbells, curl bar, barbell, stability ball, chin-up bar 2) corner of my bedroom 3) all my equipment is out all the time 4) would love a bench, but don't have room for it.