Building muscle

Hi guys
Is anyone out there building muscle?
I've been training for years and would like to help others on the road to building muscle bulk
I have a body fat % of 10% with biceps measuring 16 inch a 28 inch waist 40 inch chest


  • susieqn77
    susieqn77 Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to tone up bad thing is I have a tear in my shoulder. Anything I can do to still get muscles?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
  • sarabucknam
    sarabucknam Posts: 5 Member
    I'm working on it. Still trying to figure out the right calorie intake. I'm in the 'normal range' for my BMI but body fat % is way high (29%). Last week when I got my body composition done (do it every week at a sports nutrition store), I lost 2 pounds, but body fat % stayed the same and lean muscle % went down slightly. I increased my calories by 200-300 this week to see if that will make a difference. I try to get 30% of my calories from protein. For lifting, I do at-home programs: did a couple months of Les Mills Pump (barbell workout) to get a muscle base, and right now, I'm finishing up week 2 of Body Beast (lift 5x a week with dumbells and curl bar). I do about an average of 30 minutes of cardio 3-4x a week.