GSanc2 Member


  • I take Contrave with a little food. If I don't, I feel very nauseous. I've lost 20 lbs since June 29th & I really feel great! I don't take the recommended dose because it's too much. My Dr has ok'd the amount. I take 2-3 pills a day depending on when I take the first pill in the morning. This has worked for me :)
  • I have been on Contrave since June 29th. I have lost weight by eating healthy & some exercise. With my schedule it's a little difficult to fit in the exercise on a regular basis. After being on 1 pill AM & 1 pill PM since the beginning, I recently added 1 more pill...( it's not all the time though). I am happy with my 20…
  • Thank you! I'm on day 9 and have lost 4.6 lbs. I'm seeing results & I love it! I eat 5-6 times a day, small meals/snacks at 2-3 hr intervals. It seems to be working. I'm on a low cal/low fat clean eating diet. Absolutely no cravings for sweets or bad foods. Thank you for the advice, motivation, & encouragement. You've…
  • I'm eating low fat, low calorie foods. I've been on Contrave 9 days & have lost 4.6 lbs. I eat 5-6 small meals/snacks every 2-3 hours. It took me a few days to figure this out, but so far it's working. I eat between 1000-1100 cals per day & I exercise daily. I log in my 10,000 + steps per day. This plan seems to be working…
  • This sounds great! I'd love to join
  • I'm on Contrave & YES, you do have to work at it. It's not a quick fix pill either. I have done the exercises and eaten clean & I have had very little success. So, hard work doesn't always work.
  • I'm on day 6 of Contrave & have lost 1.7lbs. I'm eating very well & exercising daily. Would you please share what you have done to lose your weight? I'm needing all the help I can get. Thanks, Gladys
  • I'm on day 6 of Contrave & have lost 1.7lbs. I have no cravings & sometimes no hunger, but if I don't eat, I feel nauseous. I have watched everything I'm eating. I'm eating clean foods & I am not exceeding 1200 cals, maybe less. I walk daily about 4-5 miles. I have had some crying spells & some days have been better than…
  • Search for people who have actually tried it. Sure, this is a public forum, but you want to message with actual users. I am in day 2 of using Contrave. The only side effect I experienced was insomnia, but it wasn't too bad. I'd advise you to take Contrave with food. That worked for me. Good luck!!
    in Contrave Comment by GSanc2 June 2015
  • Some people, like me, have tried doing it with diet & exercise alone. It gets frustrating. No one wants to be on medication to lose weight, but often times that's the only alternative. Other than my weight, I am very healthy. If I don't lose weight now in my 40's, then I'll be susceptible to all sorts of things, diabetes,…
  • Very interesting that you are not taking Contrave, but the 2 pills that make up Contrave. I'm on day 2 of Contrave. The only side effect I've experienced last night was insomnia. It wasn't too bad, but I had it. Good luck to you!!
  • Hi slcooper77, I recently (April 2015) was diagnosed (from gynochologist) with PCOS & was put on Yaz & Metformin (I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic). I had blood work done & all of my levels were normal. I eat pretty healthy & exercise 4x a week. I had lost 3 lbs in a month. On June 9, I went for a 2nd opinion for the PCOS…
    in Contrave Comment by GSanc2 June 2015
  • Yes, I'm under Dr's supervision. There are many side effects, but I haven't had any today thus far.
    in Contrave Comment by GSanc2 June 2015
  • Thank you! I hope so too
    in Contrave Comment by GSanc2 June 2015
  • Hi, I'm Gladys & I just started Contrave today. I took 1 pill & shortly after drank a protein shake mixed with fruit. I feel good & thank goodness none of the side effects I've read about. I probably need to lose about 50 lbs, but right now I'm shooting for 10. The smaller the number, the easier the goal. I wish you all…
  • You don't need to be sarcastic. I just started today.
    in Contrave Comment by GSanc2 June 2015