LorraineRock Member


  • I think you should question why he does not support your request. You should be the one who is offended that he does not respect your choices, and that he over-rides your decisions. It is his choice to buy food that you will not eat - let him eat it! Calmly and respectfully remind him that you did not request the meal, and…
  • Ashley, you are only 20, and from your picture you are a pretty girl. Your body type is not everything, this whole community will support you. I have been 105lbs to 210lbs. I have a sister who has been overweight almost her entire life, and yet she has a loving husband, a gown child and a beautiful granddaughter. Never say…
  • I lost 50lbs in 12 weeks, and didn't have any sagging or excess skin, I was 62 at that time. I was seeing a doctor who told me I should stop at that level for a while, and let my body catch up. I went back on the plan a year later, lost another 25 ( I had gained back 10). Now, 5 years later I have gained back another 10,…
  • I have been dutiful, and yet stayed at the same weight for 3 days. I heard that too LOW a caloric intake can make you anemic and slow your metabolic rate. So- I upped the calories a bit while staying under my goal and lost a pound!
  • I have had T2 for 10 years, my sister for 50! We come from a family of diabetics (T1&T2). I lost 40lbs when I was diagnosed, and gained some back. I entered a hospital program and lost 75lbs. I have gained 25 back since going on Insulin a year ago. I started to cut out starches and eat more veggies a week ago, and have…
  • It really does depend on what - and how much - you drink. (A friend of mine who is type 1 Diabetic told me that dry white wine actually lowers blood sugar.) The problem is that alcohol is metabolized preferentially over food, so if you drink too much it slows down your metabolism, sort of negative exercise!