jillesser Member


  • I did go over my calorie goal today, first time since starting. However, it was fairly sensible and instead of saying, "well, I'm already over, I might as well binge" I actually just stopped. That is pretty huge for me, especially after a 9 hour car trip home.
  • Another holiday day that I managed myself. Went and actually had a grilled tenderloin burger instead of the beef, bacon, cheese and egg. It was delicious and hit the spot on a hot day. Still having a wee treat every now again. Tomorrow will be a challenge as we have a 6+ car drive home. Since I'm the only driver I find it…
  • Still on my wee holiday so really working hard on managing my diet. I even passed up amazing ice cream but had a small cookie this evening just to have a treat. I know if I don't treat myself occasionally I'll end up binging and stopping MFP for a week. Didn't walk as much as I'd have liked but did some stand up paddle…
  • @Italiana_xx79 I live in New Zealand with my 2 girls and we were invited to Queenstown. An absolutely stunning place with so much to do, and eat!! We did a huge 1 hour 45 minute walk through some pretty awesome hills and ended the day with pizza and time at the arcade. The virtual reality rollercoaster was phenomenal!!…
  • I'm not even sure what day I'm on, maybe 5? We decided to go on an impromptu holiday so instead of completing my massive to do list we drove in the car for 6.5 hours! 1. Needless to say, only got in a short 20 minute stroll but 2. was super conscious about what I ate so managed to stay under goal. 3. Spent quality time…
  • Day 4! My 3: finished a home improvement project, went for an hour walk, and did math with my 8year old. I'm thinking I may need to explore a low FODMAP diet... whenever I eat healthily my guts turn on me and I feel horrible. Anyone else have this problem? And swimming is my 2023 goal...haven't started yet though
  • Day 3 done and dusted! I've decided that I'm not weighing myself for at least 2 weeks. I always get so disappointed when the numbers done move and then give in and gain 2kgs!
  • Day 1 on the books. Sort of went over my goal but probably made up for it by exercise. 10kgs, 1 day at a time. Walked nearly 8km, will make walking a daily habit as well!
  • Hoping to join your group! I desperately need someone to help me with accountability. I've used MFP in the past with great success, I know it works if I use it. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and start logging then. I am a binge eater and I need to stop! I'm thinking my goal is roughly 10kgs. I don't care how…