Daily Accountability Challenge!



  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    @kmcintosh1988 Welcome!!!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Wow you guys are doing so well! Ended up in the hospital and will be in recovery for a minimum of two weeks. They said NO exercise. I am so bummed! But I feel bad so food may not be something I am too focused on. Hanging in there. Will keep checking in too. I can do it!!!
  • kmcintosh1988
    kmcintosh1988 Posts: 35 Member
    Dawn hope you feel better soon.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi Kathy! Welcome. Yep, tracking IS key. Pre-tracking can be both a time-saver but more importantly it really helps me plan my 'work', then I work that plan! Also key for me is allowing (& making) myself track when I go WAY off plan, which is totally new (that's when I would often stop) even though I've gained & lost 100 pounds a couple of times before.

    Dawn: Glad you are home. Take care of yourself.

    I'm excited&scared :o about my weekend weigh-in. I had a bad first week (2 binges cuz stayed up WEIGH too late, partly cuz I was not on it with my Rx) & my 60th bday is next month—I want to have a big loss for it so week 2 I've been doing 1200 cals~, met almost all my macros, except low on fat. This morning before I went to sleep, I got the courage & did a pre-weekend weigh-in & I was a couple pounds *above* my last weigh-in, :| which was Dec29. In spite of that, today, my #1): I stuck to my plan, at *exactly* 1200 (60 of it was a celebratory lil chocolate ;) ), 2) 30 min low-impact 3) 20 min gardening. Hopefully my hard work will be rewarded this weekend, (& weight loss is hard work, mentally, emotionally, and, for the speed I want, physically) but if not, I know it'll show up in the long run as long as I stick to it. Regardless, next week I'll be back @ 1660max routine, & adding in more movement. Yesterday's 3...1) I hit 1216 yesterday—I thought it was 1201, but found out someone put in a tiny bit of walnuts in something I ate :) 2) I had 'dad-care' duty all afternoon alone and he had a good day and that felt good, and 3) I finished another unit of coding (also did some today). Let's finish the week off strong!
  • jillesser
    jillesser Posts: 9 Member
    Still on my wee holiday so really working hard on managing my diet. I even passed up amazing ice cream but had a small cookie this evening just to have a treat. I know if I don't treat myself occasionally I'll end up binging and stopping MFP for a week. Didn't walk as much as I'd have liked but did some stand up paddle boarding so that seems like a decent enough workout. Jumped in the lake after dinner with the kids and got some decent sleep last night. I've promised the kids a world famous fergburger before we head home so I'll need to manage my calories for that!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    This morning I'm not feeling 100%. A headache and just kind of irritable. To be fair my daughter doesn't have school today and my husband took off work to hang out with her and that contributes. Also, he was watching tv and crunching on tortilla chips when I was trying to do my morning devotional, journal and contemplating my food plan for the day. That didn't exactly help with my focus and headache either. I can't be too irritated though because he's agreed to do the grocery pick up from Walmart later this morning so I don't need to use a work break to run out.

    My 3 good things from the past 24 hours....
    1) Yesterday we had a big storm come through about 30 minutes before my Zumba class and stay on top of us for a while so I didn't go out in that mess. However, I did still get in my lunch time walk so I'll count that as a win.
    2) I also started packing up some of the stuff for going away this weekend.
    3) I made a plan about my boundaries for our mini-vacation. I'm not going to let myself go nuts on whatever but I will have slightly different food boundaries than when I'm at home. Especially since it's for my daughter's birthday so I know there will be some extra treats.

    My plan for the trip is:
    I'm going to allow up to 2,000 calories each day and try to still log as best I can.
    I'm not going to go crazy on eating car snacks for the drive or treats while we're there.
    I need to remember that our room has a full kitchen. The kids only want the resort pizza one night. I am taking bagged salad (it's vacation, I'm not chopping my own every day), celery, carrots, light dip, protein bars, fruit, etc. I don't need to eat all the junk they do every time they want it.
    If I'm going to go past my boundary remember it is an indoor water park with a fitness center on site. I can easily find a place to swim, walk the millions of stairs for water slides, try to deal with the wave pool multiple times in a row or hit the fitness center for extra exercise. I don't have to sit in a chair and just watch the kids have fun.
    If I can stay within all my boundaries and even lose while I'm there it will be a huge win for me. Normally I either stay the same or gain even if we're only away for a few days. I need to show myself that I can do this and I need to remember that being diet & exercise controlled diabetic means if I don't want to end up on medication or insulin one day I need to keep doing this forever.

    @DawnCumm Oh my goodness! I hope you are better quickly. The last time I was told no exercise for something I took it as an excuse to eat everything.... I don't know why. If I'm down and bored and not able to do all my things I eat. It's definitely a problem for me.

    @3moons3 I agree about pre-tracking. Sometimes if I know what I plan to do I'll put everything in and see how it looks for the day. You can always delete something or change the amount but if you put in what you think might happen it can help with figuring out if it's worth it or even if you can get a little more of something you really want.

    @jillesser Congrats on your NSV. Skipping the ice cream while on holiday is a hard thing sometimes. You're doing great.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    Sorry all of that was so long but for accountability I'm letting you all know the plan. If I log back in on Wednesday morning and say I failed you'll know where I was starting from. :wink:
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks for the kind words today everyone. I am super swollen and sore. Look like a purple balloon. LOL

    Today I will try to stay with soup and sugar free sorbet. Feel nauseous but in a few days I should be better. I absolutely love reading your posts.

    Once I feel a little better I will start some meal prep. Hubs is my chef for now. He is making me roasted tomato soup today.

    Enjoy your happy and healthy day all!!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Just found this site, all of the recipes are under 400 calories, and they look pretty good. I am a vegetarian so this is a great site for me, not sure it applies to others, but I thought it would be nice to share any low-calorie recipes we come across.


    Once I can eat normal food (post-surgery stuff for now) I am eating that sticky tofu!!! Not really a tofu fan but willing to try this one. LOL I do have a few affirmation items even though I am not allowed to do much right now. 1) cleaned up my kitchen, we just got a really cool coffee maker as a splurge so the kitchen counter needed some reorganizing. 2) walked outside for only a few minutes as my older dog will not go out to the bathroom unless I am with her....she is a 13-year-old Great Dane and is a big baby. 3) so inspired today by you all, you are out and about, having mini vacations, focusing on you......GOOD for you all!!! Since I am bed bound, I may be on here bugging you all a little more than normal. Have a fabulous day all!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    @DawnCumm I don't really like tofu but that looks really good. I'm also not vegetarian but I'm not opposed to the occasional veggie based dish so I'll have to look on that site more. I'm bookmarking it now.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    I have my 3 things for today!

    1) I remembered to pray throughout the day. I'm a Christian and yet I forget to do that when I'm struggling way too often. Like, I just don't do it then I feel like I'm going at it alone.
    2) My daughter is having her birthday dinner tonight but she picked a healthy meal so I must be raising her right.
    3) With the birthday dinner comes ice cream cake. I planned ahead and only ate 1065 calories today so that when it's cake time I have plenty of calories to indulge.
    Bonus ** 4) I used my lunch hour to indulge myself in a long soaking bath. One definite benefit of working from home.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 2023
    Linny: excellent accountability-it can be hard to not indulge in extraneous calories, so good limit-setting. Also, it's great that you are moving too. Activity is not just for kids. Happy bday to your daughter!

    Jill-yep, great NSV re: good ice cream...ice cream is my true vice. Your vacay sounds fun too; we have a lake but it's frozen now, I think (it's about a block and a half away). When I go for a walk I go the other way, 5 houses down from a trailhead to a land preserve, but noting to self I should go and enjoy the view of the lake and the winter stillness (summer there down under, iirc, right?)

    Dawn, yep, nauseous myself today & recalled you probably were too. I go straight to BRATTY (bananasRiceApplesauceToastTeaYogurt) for my next meal when feeling icky, and try to speed my healing sometimes via herbal teas. Good you have a chef to cook! That tofu looks great...when I learned that soy was goitrogenic (thyroid probs) I had to stop being a veg because soy was key for most of my adult life; I can eat a little here and there, just not on the daily. Flexitarianism worked better for several living situations too, but I gained 20 pounds at the time of easing into meat, & a more 'normal' diet, though maybe other things were a factor too; also love giant dogs! An ex had an Anatolian Shepard that I miss way more than the ex, lol.

    I was having a weird day. Tried to re-set my sleep schedule, which was getting later & later bedtime @ 8am, super silly, so even sillier I decided to pull an all-nighter to re-set (not completely unusual—part of my severe thyroiditis is less and less need/ability to sleep when not on my Rx, but I *have* been taking it almost perfectly! maybe it needs to be adjusted she realizes as she types...) At 6AM took my Rx & 1) made some 'egg white muffins' for the first time (120 cals for 3! w/16g protein) 2) had to do a 90 min power nap at noon, but yawning now, midnight:30, yay. Then this eve, feeling really ill, swinging hot & cold, stomach queasy...just weird...and then settled down. Had yogurt for dinner. BUT, 3) got courage up and weighed myself & finally have some downward momentum in Jan.: -1.6 lb loss...I'll take it.

    Wishing all well for the weekend.
  • jillesser
    jillesser Posts: 9 Member
    Another holiday day that I managed myself. Went and actually had a grilled tenderloin burger instead of the beef, bacon, cheese and egg. It was delicious and hit the spot on a hot day. Still having a wee treat every now again. Tomorrow will be a challenge as we have a 6+ car drive home. Since I'm the only driver I find it quite exhausting and would usually load up on car snacks. This time I'm planning frequent stops and healthy snacks. 3 wins for today, healthy burger option; took a swim in the lake even when it was a bit cooler than I would have liked; and turned down a gin and tonic when it was so hot and it sounded so good!

    I really enjoy reading about everyone's day and how they manage their weight loss journey. It's so much easier when you know other people are going through the same struggles!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    So yesterday went well considering I am bed bound and even if I wasn't it won't stop raining, so can't go outside.
    1) ate way below my numbers due to not able to chew much yet and I don't really have much of a appetite. Probably due to the drugs they have me on.
    2) swelling is starting to go down a little, and I am less purple than before
    3) checking in on FP and this group, it helps pick me up. I don't do well being stuck in the house, I hate being inside, so I am getting really moody/sad.....this helps encourage me to see how all are doing.

    I really need to contemplate how to better plan and prepare, need to follow your lead, you all are doing so well. I love that even if you slip, you pick yourself up, dust off and start again.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 65 Member
    Still a tad queasy today, so very light food, BRATTY bland, but I may have some roast beef on toast for dinner for quick easy heme protein. 1) FINALLY got to sleep at a *more* reasonable hour last night: ~1:45am & slept for hours and hours and hours. 2) Had to call cable internet co. three times today as they kept shutting off part of our service, but kept my cool. Got $30 + $16 + potentially $300 back on services they messed up. Kept my calm, though had to get tough, but it worked. 3) About to do my coding; have had a low-movement day but will get in 10 minutes of low-impact if not dizzy
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    Today is my daughter's birthday!

    1) Our friends threw my daughter a surprise party with her 3 closest friends. Thankfully she is also calorie conscious but that meant we had a celebration and I didn't mess up my calorie tracking or counting.
    2) I kept to a sliver of cake and it was perfectly satisfying. When a larger piece was handed to me I have it to my husband and asked for a tiny 3 bite piece instead.
    3) When everyone decided it was time for ice cream I made another taco salad instead. 🥗
  • kmcintosh1988
    kmcintosh1988 Posts: 35 Member
    @pamperedlinny you my girl are winning! You made some great choices and were able to enjoy the celebration! I’m proud of you.
  • kmcintosh1988
    kmcintosh1988 Posts: 35 Member
    @DawnCumm I hope each day you feel more like yourself. I’m happy the hubby is being a big help. Feel better. Hugs.
    @3moons3 sorry to hear your not feeling well. Take care of you. Hugs.
  • kmcintosh1988
    kmcintosh1988 Posts: 35 Member
    @jillesser You made excellent choices. Glad you had a on plan day. Hugs
  • jillesser
    jillesser Posts: 9 Member
    I did go over my calorie goal today, first time since starting. However, it was fairly sensible and instead of saying, "well, I'm already over, I might as well binge" I actually just stopped. That is pretty huge for me, especially after a 9 hour car trip home.