Daily Accountability Challenge!



  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member

    Photo of my child not even making it to the table to eat.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 2023
    Linny...that's a great idea...a spot for single serving snacks; also Cheerios fun fact, they are primarily oats (the non-sugared Cheerios)

    I have not had a great first week, in terms of staying in my calorie limits, binged 2ce this week, but I'm okay in terms of feelings about it...just acceptance, that perfection isn't happening that day, and not stopping tracking, even huge binges (ice cream one night, 'skinny pop' corn last night). Of course both times were very very VERY late at night. But I'll be changing routines and spaces around soon, this month, so that may change that bad habit, or if I could fall asleep sooner, tho the first time was purposefully staying up late cuz had to do something that had to be done then. It's not a great way to start the year, but I won't let a couple 'bad' days ruin the year. Also, I might try and do 1200 calorie week for 3rd week of Jan if I can stay on track in week 2, to kind of 'even' things out.

    In terms of 3 things I've done for my self-care: 1: have been doing some online code learning recently, also if anyone is interested in learning a new language Pimsleur has some free courses for the year (I'm brushing up on my Ukrainian, which was my first language, but I barely use it & am not fluent anymore); 2: did a lot of kitchen cleaning (2 hours today) when I wasn't the one who demolished it, and put on some dance music and was even doing low-impact aerobic steps while cleaning, enough that I can feel it in my quads, and the third is, again, forgiving myself for 'slipping' (going over the calorie limit) without getting derailed by it, nor feeling traumatized & 'bad'.

    3 things I'm gonna work on soon: more exercise earlier in the day, getting outside more, & actually changing spaces (mostly downstairs) around. Also keep on with coding & may add duo-lingo daily to pimsleur.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    Now that I've made it through a full week of the new year and a full week of my devotional I'm feeling pretty good. I haven't exercised as much as I planned but I still have done so a few days this week. I also stayed within my calorie range (I do better with a range and average than a set number) all week and I've checked in daily, usually more than once a day, with my accountability text group that I'm doing the devotional study together. Having the text group going in addition to the study convicting me when I'm thinking of moving my boundaries is making a huge difference. I think when the study is over I might need to see who wants to stay on an accountability text chat because messaging when I think of something I want or when I have a win over that want also reminds me I'm not in this alone.

    Today I'm taking my girl and her friends to go swimming at our local YMCA indoor pool. Almost every time I have gotten in with them that water feels cold to me so I'm not getting in. I really should swim laps while they play and use the slide but I just can't convince myself to be that cold. yjisruh3mp85.png
    Instead I'm going to sit with another mom who is coming and if she gets in I'll read my book club pick that I'm having a hard time finishing. I only have about 150 pages left but it's taking me forever because I keep putting it down. Has anyone else read Mad Honey? I'm torn between I really want to know the ending and not really loving books with jumping perspectives and timelines. Going backwards and forwards and from 2 different people's views at the same time makes my brain hurt.

    Obviously, it's too early in the day for 3 things because it's only 9:10am so I'll try and jump back on tonight with how my day went and my things. I'm liking remembering to do 3 things. Like the accountability texting it makes me look at the day for the positives. We all need more positive in our lives.

    @3moons3 I'm always so impressed by people that can speak more than one language. I know in many places that's common but I swear I still have issues with English and it's been my only language for 40 years. LOL. My try at Spanish over a few years was soooo bad and my try at ASL over a few years was just as bad. It's like I can't retain it no matter how much I practice and try.

  • jillesser
    jillesser Posts: 9 Member
    Day 3 done and dusted! I've decided that I'm not weighing myself for at least 2 weeks. I always get so disappointed when the numbers done move and then give in and gain 2kgs!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    Hey all!

    Yesterday evening I didn't get a chance to log in and hit the community so I'm here now. My three things for yesterday were:
    1) Took kids for donuts and didn't even really want any for myself.
    2) Enjoyed talking to a couple other moms and got in a good visit while the kids swam. Visiting with good friends was definitely a positive for my day.
    3) Saw other friends last night and ate with them. Wife was cooking high calorie stuff for the family and we only had a small portion then she and I also had a cauliflower rice medley thing to fill up. Having that support and accountability so I wasn't tempted to have more than a couple bites of the bad stuff was wonderful.
    ***obviously my take on today was having good friends and support is amazing and so helpful in my personal journey.

    However, my daughter inadvertently hit my head really hard yesterday. She went to pull the hatch down on the back of my van with her full body weight hanging from it.... just fooling around but also trying to be helpful... except I was still standing underneath and hadn't cleared it yet. That full weight and the force of it being pulled that fast got me right in the top of the head. Not nauseaus or dizzy or confused or anything but I do still have a serious headache today. So I'm not going to do a ton of exercise and I'm probably going to log out from work a bit early today. Better to give myself a day or two of not going hard while my head is screwed back on straight.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    OMG fresh bagels!!! Good job!

    1) one hour at the gym
    2) ate a small amount at dinner, super yum pasta
    3) made and delivered soup and casserole for a family in need right now

    Keep it up all!
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 65 Member
    Linny, I do not blame you about the pool...I was on the swim team for a hot minute (it was too early for me, and for my mom to drive me then), and it *was* cold, but then the training to swim faster did heat one up, a bit. Good for you for meeting your goals with support :smile: However, if you still have a headache you probably got a concussion (I speak from experience: a hatchback hit my head). Call your Dr. to check in.

    Jill?-I think, anyway...the J one, I'm right there with you, I don't like to weigh myself unless I believe it'll be an okay/good; nothing more disheartening # :wink:

    Dawn- wtg!!! :smiley:

    '1) I hit my calories today (actually way down)...I did 1212 cals for the day, while getting a pretty good amount of protein (often an issue for me).
    2) Kitchen duty was mine today (still have to clean up a bit as everyone goes to bed; we're night owls).
    3) Finished half of 1 unit & did half of next, so did a whole coding unit today.

    Goals tomorrow: outside yard work; find some interesting exotic dish to make for dinner, for me (because made plain Jane basic today, with planned leftovers); start this week's organizing project
  • jillesser
    jillesser Posts: 9 Member
    Day 4! My 3: finished a home improvement project, went for an hour walk, and did math with my 8year old. I'm thinking I may need to explore a low FODMAP diet... whenever I eat healthily my guts turn on me and I feel horrible. Anyone else have this problem?
    And swimming is my 2023 goal...haven't started yet though
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    First a head update. About lunch time yesterday it started to feel a bit better. This morning there is a smidgen of a headache. More like when you're annoyed with someone and it starts a headache that a full blown anything. So almost normal today.

    1) Yesterday my book club met and had a dip party for our discussion. I made a healthy brownie batter dip with fruit, Graham crackers, pretzels so I knew soldering healthy would be there.

    2) I got off work a little early yesterday for my daughter's appointment. Normally I work remotely and yesterday I requested to take off early instead. It was nice to just be able to sit during that time.

    3) My third is that I didn't use being hurt as an excuse to have whatever I wanted. I have a tendency to justify binges whenever something happens.

    I'm putting the dip on my recipe blog that I write so once I have that posted I'll put the link here in case anyone wants the recipe.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    So here is the recipe link for the Brownie Batter Dip.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Day 2, week 1 done! Work has been keeping me really busy and stressed and I need to change that and start making time for me and get back to journaling in here daily!

    1. Was able to get my morning workout in
    2. I did not over eat and mindlessly snack last night
    3. Will have to come back to this one later today :)
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    Tuesday is just about over for me and I have my 3 things for today. 😁

    1) I wrote and put up my blog post today. I try to post a new recipe every 2 weeks but haven't done so since early December.
    2) I went to my Zumba class and got a really good cardio workout.
    3) I ate well all day, didn't let myself go hungry at all but still had a very low calorie day.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 65 Member
    -Linny, that recipe is innovative, & looks good! Glad head's getting better.
    -Italiana, wtg!

    Me today:
    1) Created a recipe—slow cooker Tom Kha Gai: Thai Coconut Chicken Soup—with what I had on hand
    2) More kitchen duty...had compliments about it
    3) Day isn't done yet, so am about to get some coding done now

    Goals tomorrow: DO yard work; more kitchen work & creativity, REALLY start this week's organizing project
  • jillesser
    jillesser Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not even sure what day I'm on, maybe 5? We decided to go on an impromptu holiday so instead of completing my massive to do list we drove in the car for 6.5 hours! 1. Needless to say, only got in a short 20 minute stroll but 2. was super conscious about what I ate so managed to stay under goal. 3. Spent quality time with my girls who are growing up way too fast. Will make up for my lack of exercise tomorrow with a big walk! Looking forward to having time away from home and will do my best to enjoy all the delicious food here but also be mindful.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Good morning, Day 3 for me today.

    [*] I was able to get in my step goal for yesterday
    [*] I got my walk in yesterday (almost 2 miles, depends on how much time I have)
    [*] I did not over eat last night which is huge for me as I have binged every night in the past year, if not longer! I have a hard time with snacking at night!
    [*] I completed my strength training yesterday too! I don't seem to have the energy this week to hit them hard but at least I got it done!

    @pamperedlinny what blog post do you do?
    @3moons3 Thai Coconut Chicken Soup sounds good! I have a recipe that I used to make and it was so good! Now that it's cold out, I should make some again!
    @jillesser, where did you go for holiday?
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    @Italiana_xx79 I started a blog and social media postings after the encouragement of a friend and her asking for my recipes a few times. I post things I'm eating, product reviews, food finds and even my daughter's packed school lunches on the Facebook & Instagram pages. I post a new recipe every other week on the blog.

    My blog with recipes is at https://pamperedlinny.wixsite.com/coffee-required
    I also have a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/HealthyEatingWithLinda and an Instagram at www.instagram.com/healthyeatingwithlinda/
  • jillesser
    jillesser Posts: 9 Member
    @Italiana_xx79 I live in New Zealand with my 2 girls and we were invited to Queenstown. An absolutely stunning place with so much to do, and eat!! We did a huge 1 hour 45 minute walk through some pretty awesome hills and ended the day with pizza and time at the arcade. The virtual reality rollercoaster was phenomenal!! Even with the pizza was still able to stay under my calorie goal and to be honest, the pizza has actually given me some stomach issues as I just haven't been eating that sort of food for the last week or so. I'm a huge food addict/binge eater and find that I'm nearly always thinking about food. Even now, with an upset stomach I'm thinking well, I've still earned heaps of calories from the huge walk, surely I should eat them all. However, I've talked myself off that cliff and am just going to read a book and go to bed. So my 3 for today. Did the huge walk. Ate sensibly, even with loads of delicious foods around me. And had so much fun at the arcade laughing my head off. I think I've decided that although I definitely want/need to lose some weight, ultimately, I just want to have a healthy relationship with food and not feel addicted to it!!
  • Ebonie_owlwehn
    Ebonie_owlwehn Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome to my trainwreak of a life, struggling is my middle name :-D

    Fitbit I dropped it down the toilet. How you might ask well every strap I order does not fit. So clever clogs here decided oh will just put in my hoodie pouch pocket mmm no… but here the good news it still works ;-)

    Insomnia 4hours sleep and napping during the day. So I use this time making silly TikToks and cleaning and playing games on my phone. (I’m no gamer ;-) )

    Flat feet currently doing exercises to help this. Walking is difficult. Can’t jump can’t run but working on this with yoga positions.

    My hair it’s unruly and very wild. Sticks up builds up lint in my hair. Frizzy curry mess and nothing I mean nothing tames this hair. If you think of the troll you had as a kid that some kid/sibling took throw down the toilet, that be my hair -colour.

    Foundation their is nothing in a high street shop that works ie with a yellow under tone.!
    Maybe I should go to Springfield as bound to have yellow foundation;-)

    These are my struggles in my life!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    Good morning all!!!

    I'm definitely on countdown to the weekend since I'll have 4 days off and be on our mini vacation to celebrate my daughter's 9th birthday. Just today and tomorrow and then I'll get that break again. I've been so tired and I know I won't really get to sleep in on that trip but I will, hopefully, get to lounge some while the kids run and play and go nuts. Taking the BFF with us should buy me some downtime... I hope.

    I didn't log into the forums last night again so I have my three things for yesterday.

    1) I desperately wanted ALL THE CARBS last night and instead made myself a healthy personal pizza. Joseph's Oat, Flax & Wheat pita, good pizza sauce, weighed all my toppings of cheese, pepperoni, spinach and red onion. It was seriously good and left enough calories for a serving of Cheetos afterwards without guilt.

    2) I took my daughter for her annual physical. She is happy, healthy and growing like a weed at 54 inches tall and turning 9 this weekend.

    3) I made sure to get my oil change and started my packing list for our upcoming mini-vacation.

    Photo of my personal pizza last night.

    @Ebonie_owlwehn have you looked at the magnetic watch bands? It's what my daughter and I use for ours most often. On her wrist it's great because it's so easily adjustable and, unlike the regular bands, it can be pulled as loose or as tight as you want. No set holes or sizes. Just a metal mesh band and a magnet so you can do whatever you need for the size.

    @jillesser I'm that way too! I'll eat something that I don't normally eat any longer and feel off but still want to use my calories just because I can. Great job not giving in to that and staying under!
  • kmcintosh1988
    kmcintosh1988 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello everyone. I’m new. My name is Kathy I’m 61 and looking for same minded ladies to friend and hold eachother accountable. I’m not new to losing weight. In fact I’ve done it over and over to lose and gain the same amounts back each time. This time I need to do it and keep it off. As you get older the weight is easy to gain but try getting it off! Rico. Short of taking off my head I can’t lose weight. Tracking is key and that’s my first hurtle. Definitely here to be help accountable. Hoping to gain friends. Please add me beyond don’t know how to add anyone. Lol. I e tried. Just don’t get it. Hope you all have a great day. Track Track Track