Ilovebaking13 Member


  • While I agree that the basics for weight loss is calories in vs calories out, when I stalled in my weight loss journey going keto got me back to losing weight again. I feel satisfied by the meals I eat: I plan them carefully, use a scale most of the time and sometimes can't even finish my food for the day because I find…
  • It can be other factors as well. Are you really stressed, getting enough sleep, actually eating enough so your body isn't starving and you end up unhappy? Your body does need sugar, if you felt better after eating mms maybe some fruit added to your protein shake would work? To my protein shake I add a cup of spinach,…
  • Definitely still water. I use these true lemon powder drinks sweetened with truvia. Mix one little pack in with 32oz of water and I'll drink the whole thing in an hour, it's like a perfectly tart lemonade. I don't think I'd get my water intake in without them! But if you do want to try to drink plain water I think setting…
  • I mean basically it's calories in and calories put but macros do matter especially if you aren't getting enough or getting way too much, obviously. But unless your following a super low carb or high protein diet most people, especially those on here, will likely meet those requirements throughout the week anyway. I like…
  • Once every couple of weeks. I've found it doesn't really make me feel great because at my healthiest and fittest I was 145 and I my fattest and unhappiest I was 125. It's just a number to me, I like judging how I feel in my own clothing vs a scale that can't tell me fat percentage.
  • Awesome! Thank you
  • Currently on mine right now too. I feel I can usually do the same workouts just on a lighter scale. So instead of running 6 miles I'll walk at a very brisk pace for just as long or run at a lighter pace for a shorter amount of time. For strength training I do something similar like less weight or reps or even just a fewer…