Is it still water?

Hi I absolutely hate water. I know this is dumb and tell myself to suck it up but I actually have a hard time getting it down. I was proud of myself yesterday for getting a measly 16ozs in me. I'm surprised I am still alive.
My question is, is it still water if I use water enhancers like Mio or squirt lemon juice and use splenda in it? I know splenda is not supposed to be good for you...but I don't know what else to do.


  • Dariasen
    Dariasen Posts: 145 Member
    I am the same way. I found seltzer was a good alternative. I would also make deals with myself: Finish my water bottle and then I could have a diet coke. It's gotten easier as I get more used to it.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes, it is still water.
  • starlitwaters
    starlitwaters Posts: 18 Member
    Yep, still counts.

    I don't like the taste of plain water either. Adding one of those little packets of Crystal Light works for me.
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    I'm a big fan of Mio and water enhancers in general. They generally add less than 10 calories to 16 ounces of water. So yes, go for it! I'll probably get some flak for recommending artificial sweeteners, but I'm a tough chick so I can handle it :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Water is water. Tea is water. Coffee is water. Soda is water.

    Some water additives are better than others.

    I much prefer to eat my calories than drink them.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    Yes, all liquids counts towards your "water" intake.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    LOL...first world problems...

  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Water + water = water
    Water + flavoring = flavored water
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Of course. Mixing something into your water is the exact same as drinking said water and immediately following it with something that is not water.

    For example, mixing my tea with my water is no different than drinking the water and then immediately eating tea leaves. Mixing pizza with water is the same as drinking water and then immediately eating pizza (although I don't know why you'd want to mix pizza with water).

    It all gets mixed up in your stomach anyway, and your body extracts water from everything we eat/drink and directs it where it needs to go, and digests everything else in there appropriately.

    Drink your Mio, if you enjoy it. :smile:
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    You would need to log the calories if you are logging.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    It's fluid intake that matters - it doesn't have to be all plain water. I wouldn't count soda, and alcohol definitely doesn't count, but any flavored/sparkling water, coffee, tea, juice, etc. counts. Just make sure you account for any added calories.

    Also, water tastes like nothing. Not sure how you can dislike something that tastes like nothing.
  • Marniezimm
    Marniezimm Posts: 2 Member
    Beverages without caffeine are the best to stay hydrated. Fruit infused is also a good way to mix it up without artificial stuff. I like Stevia instead of other artificial sweetners. My favorite right now is green tea with ginger & ACV. Really refreshing, and helps shed inflammation. Good luck, and keep trying!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    LOL...first world problems...


    Careful with that response as this will end virtually all threads.
  • Ilovebaking13
    Ilovebaking13 Posts: 10 Member
    edited July 2015
    Definitely still water. I use these true lemon powder drinks sweetened with truvia. Mix one little pack in with 32oz of water and I'll drink the whole thing in an hour, it's like a perfectly tart lemonade. I don't think I'd get my water intake in without them!
    But if you do want to try to drink plain water I think setting goals and looking up how great getting enough water is for your body to motivate you might help to! I used to carry a huge water bottle around marked for every hour and when I'd reach then end I would let myself have a flavored drink I wanted, like an iced tea.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Is it still sugar if it's mixed in a soda?

    Is it still beef if you put it on a bun.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    It's still water, plus whatever you adulterated it with: CO2, propylene glycol, citric acid, sucralose, etc.

    And what is supposed to be wrong with Splenda?

  • AdamImadA
    AdamImadA Posts: 74 Member
    It's fluid intake that matters - it doesn't have to be all plain water. I wouldn't count soda, and alcohol definitely doesn't count, but any flavored/sparkling water, coffee, tea, juice, etc. counts. Just make sure you account for any added calories.

    Also, water tastes like nothing. Not sure how you can dislike something that tastes like nothing.

    They say tofu tastes like nothing as well. *shudders*
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Well, really, water does taste like something. It's not pure, tasteless H20. That would kill you pretty quickly. Maybe the water in her area has disagreeable bits dissolved in the water.
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    I've gotten used to water with just lemon juice. Fresh squeezed if I have it on hand, RealLemon® juice if fresh not available
  • mrschwarten
    mrschwarten Posts: 194 Member
    I feel the same way! We have well water and it's really gross; it's yellow and tastes metal-ey. And NO WAY would I spend money and add to our environmental issues with bottled water, and a Brita filter doesn't cut it. What I do is I have an 80 oz travel mug that I fill and then mix a large (2 quart) Crystal Light into it, and I try to finish it by the time I go to bed. The package says there is about 40 calories for the whole thing, and a lil bit of sodium, but doing it this way keeps me from drinking pop, juice, slushies, etc. So I'll take the 40 cals and spend $1.89 on a 6 day supply; for me it's a more-than-fair trade. It totally covers up the gross well water taste (and color turn off) and I really feel fantastic when I get the whole thing in! That feeling helps motivate me too!

    Find a flavor you love! It makes it so much easier! I can't get enough of the grape, and somedays I finish it by 1 or 2 pm!
    Keep on keepin' on!!