tracymcdonald4358 Member


  • Good luck on trying to have a baby and use that to keep you motivated on the weekends. Think how far you have come and how close you are to reaching your goal .
  • You are amazing. Just know that if you don't loose another pound that you look absolutely beautiful. I am so proud of you!
  • Wait, I'm confused, I thought we were trying to put together a 30 day bootcamp challenge and it was sounding pretty good to me, then the conversation went south. What happened????
  • I would love to have muscular arms and back. I do boot camp, kick boxing, & spin to mix things up. I have noticed that I have gotten stronger and my endurance is increasing but I am not following a specific program just doing what I have learned o'er the years.
  • Thanks guys, love the input, keep it coming and good luck to us all, we can do it!
  • JCPennys has a line called Exersion and it is the absolute best, never shrink, fade, loose it's shape. I have had the same workout gear from there for so long. When I got tired of the same stuff, I gave it away to buy new stuff and the people I passed it down to thought it was all new.
  • Hi, I started a few weeks ago and I am down 4lbs but still have a long way to go. Would love a buddy to go on this journey with.
  • I have had much success with run 2 minutes walk 2 minutes but at a fast pase. I also watch my carbs and strength train Doing different things keeps you from getting bored and also keeps your body guessing