beccahbase Member


  • Yes! The shedding of your uterine wall burns an extra 100-300 calories. I read that that is the cause of most cravings. Plus there may be as much as a 9% increase in metabolic rate during our cycles.…
  • Body weight in grams or of you need more, body weight x 1.4
  • I'm cutting quite easily. This is why I try to stay off fitness blurbs. No one has a clue what they're doing to their bodies.
  • Because Because age has everything to do with it
  • Heavy powerlifting and body building absolutely benefits my body. How exactly would you know this? Could you explain yourself any further?
  • Also, I don't believe for a second that you are 4'10" and losing weight eating 1700 calories a day. Unless you are running marathons every day.[/quote] Weight training. Losing weight pretty easily.
  • i didn't advice you at all but the OP And i think my 100 pound loss, and healthy lab stats dont need any proof of what i am doing. Certainly not be explained or defended to a first time poster who i didn't gave any advice And again you are not telling me that i feel bad when i dont...Every person is different. [/quote]…
  • So great! I'm so happy for you! Your body is going to respond so well!
  • Gooooood.
  • so you are saying that my medical team is excellent monthly lab stats are wrong And that i feel bad? just lolzzz [/quote] Yes. I am saying I disagree with you. I do not think this a healthy approach to weight loss, and I would not trust your advice.
  • dont make assumptions about not feeling good on a 1200 calorie intake. That is different from person to person. It's not an assumption. A bmi calculator: An activity level equation: You take your bmi and…
  • [/quote] Your statement about "frying her metabolism" is incorrect. 1200 may not be too low, although going from 4000 to 1200 may lead to binges. I would give myself a calorie range--1200 to 2000. We also don't know what she's doing for exercise--it could be that she has an office job and isn't moving much. 1200 may be too…
  • 1200 is too low. I'm cutting weight at 1700 and I'm only 4'10. I'm losing weight just fine at a 50c\30p\15f split. You may need to eat less if you are non active, but never that low for the sake of your metabolic health... If your metabolism is fried than you won't lose anything at all or because of the restrictions your…