Holy crap



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Well how about we leave that up to her.

    How about we do.
  • mgonyer123
    mgonyer123 Posts: 74 Member
    Good job!
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Last time I deprived myself of so much that 15lbs in a month didnt seem like enough to me so I just gave up. Everyone else was having pizza for dinner or boxed potatoes and noodles and I was eating chicken breast and veggies every night. It seemed like way too much to give up. But everyone said I had to.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    you can eat everything you want ( if you have no medical issues with any food) It is just weighing ALL your food and logging and eat less than you burn

    Very simple, really
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Last time I deprived myself of so much that 15lbs in a month didnt seem like enough to me so I just gave up. Everyone else was having pizza for dinner or boxed potatoes and noodles and I was eating chicken breast and veggies every night. It seemed like way too much to give up. But everyone said I had to.

    Again, all things in moderation (meaning you don't have to give up anything). Eat at a deficit and you'll lose.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I have such a piece of mind knowing I can eat what my 2 boys can eat. But in smaller portions. I was so afraid eating what I eat now but in smaller portions would show no results.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    Okay so I skipped back a day on MFP and logged a typical day what id have to eat without being cautious. Just my normal day.

    Breakfast- Hamburger bun 3TBS of peanut butter and 1/4 cup syrup
    Lunch- 1 Hot pocket with 2TBS ranch
    Dinner- 1/2 Digorno Pizza Cheese and 2TBS ranch
    Snacks- 4 20oz Pepsi's

    I logged it in and its a whopping 4,248 calories.

    So today I started my 1200 calorie diet.
    Got rid of the pop and started eating in moderation.

    Breakfast- 2 egg whites 1 full egg, a slice of whole wheat toast and a piece of american cheese
    Lunch 1/2 tostino party pizza (No ranch)
    Dinner- We havent had yet
    Snack- 1/2 fruit cup apples.

    Im at 732 calories and I havent even had dinner yet.
    And ive already had 3 16.9oz waters with a tiny bit of 0 calorie water enhancer.

    Im not doing any exercise as far as now due to having testing done on my heart. I am not hungry. Im so proud of myself for going from 4000 calories to 1200 and its just my first day.

    I think you are being too drastic here.

    You should set a goal to lose no more than 2 pounds per week. I don't know how many calories that is in your case, but going from a 4,000 calorie to a 1,200 calorie diet seems way too drastic to me.

    If you get the green light from your heart test(s) to do cardio, I would focus on that in addition to cutting enough calories to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week.

    The best results are usually achieved with smaller changes over a longer period of time. It allows you to develop better habits, and increase your chances of long term success ten fold.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Kristin, those "light bulb" moments are the best! Congrats on your amazing effort! You can keep this up! :smiley: A little flexibility with your daily calorie allowance like you mentioned will give you a little more room for those hungry days. And everyone falls off the wagon, don't beat yourself up, just get back on up there!

    As for eliminating foods, you can lose weight eating anything you want, as long as you're at a deficit. However, if there are foods you're really prone to overeating, especially as you start changing your habits, removing them as choices, a least temporarily, might be helpful. I do that. There are some things I tend to overeat, and I don't keep them in the house. :blush:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I have such a piece of mind knowing I can eat what my 2 boys can eat. But in smaller portions. I was so afraid eating what I eat now but in smaller portions would show no results.

    As long as you're in your allotment, you're golden. Remember, eating less processed foods will give you more bang for your buck (more food). 1200 is your base and you'll be earning more through exercise (your walking).
  • beccahbase
    beccahbase Posts: 13 Member
    1200 is too low. I'm cutting weight at 1700 and I'm only 4'10. I'm losing weight just fine at a 50c\30p\15f split. You may need to eat less if you are non active, but never that low for the sake of your metabolic health... If your metabolism is fried than you won't lose anything at all or because of the restrictions your body will very quickly burn out. You're going to feel mentally drained, sick, and lethargic :/ good luck <3

  • Kexessa
    Kexessa Posts: 346 Member
    For the pizza, let your fiance and son have their pizza and you can try this:

    Flat Out Artisan Pizza Rosemary and Olive Oil Crust 120 calories
    1/4 cup pizza sauce (the 1/4 cup will be plenty on the crust) approx. 40 calories
    8x turkey pepperoni approx. 35 calories
    1/4 cup shredded mozzarella approx. 80 calories
    1 TBLS grated parmesan approx. 20 calories

    So all that for 295 calories. You can add some thin sliced tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, spinach etc. for negligible calories, and have your pizza. And if you really must, for 90 more calories you can have 2 TBLS of Bolthouse Classic Ranch.

    Good luck! You obviously worked hard today to make a difference. Consider increasing your calories just a bit or having a range like you said, 1200-1600 a day. Give yourself some leeway until you have adapted to the changes to your diet.
  • nora_gettingfitnow
    nora_gettingfitnow Posts: 108 Member
    Eat 2000 for a couple weeks, then 1800, then 1500, etc...your jump is too sudden! Might binge :) make sure your loss is sustainable.

    I agree with the above, yes moderation in everything is the key but you don't want to take three steps forward and two steps back.
    The foods you were consuming were obviously extemely high in calorific intake but to jump down to 1200 calories is huge. I myself am 5 foot 1 and currently weigh 186 lbs but need to be on nearly 1800 cals a day given my current BMR and AMR (basal metabolic rate - when sleeping, to Active Metabolic rate which for me currently is light activity daily)

    In saying that, keep up the good work girl and its good to see that you are no longer consuming those type of foods as they are definiely not good for the heart :wink:

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    beccahbase wrote: »
    1200 is too low. I'm cutting weight at 1700 and I'm only 4'10. I'm losing weight just fine at a 50c\30p\15f split. You may need to eat less if you are non active, but never that low for the sake of your metabolic health... If your metabolism is fried than you won't lose anything at all or because of the restrictions your body will very quickly burn out. You're going to feel mentally drained, sick, and lethargic :/ good luck <3

    i did 1200 for months and months
    Was full of energy, didn't burn out and was not hungry at all!
    It all depend on what you eat.

    I agree that 1200 is possible to low to start with. But dont make assumptions about not feeling good on a 1200 calorie intake. That is different from person to person.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    That is awesome. The first week is the hardest! You're hungrier. The first few weeks of giving up the yummy stuff are the hardest there. Hang in there!

    If you splurge, splurge and then get back at it. Don't let it throw you off.

    Good luck! :)
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    beccahbase wrote: »
    1200 is too low. I'm cutting weight at 1700 and I'm only 4'10. I'm losing weight just fine at a 50c\30p\15f split. You may need to eat less if you are non active, but never that low for the sake of your metabolic health... If your metabolism is fried than you won't lose anything at all or because of the restrictions your body will very quickly burn out. You're going to feel mentally drained, sick, and lethargic :/ good luck <3

    i did 1200 for months and months
    Was full of energy, didn't burn out and was hungry at all!
    It all depend on what you eat.

    I agree that 1200 is possible to low to start with. But dont make assumptions about not feeling good on a 1200 calorie intake. That is different from person to person.

    I agree. You have to be careful about what you eat and plan ahead but you can meet of your macro/micro goals. Today I have met all my goals by the time I hit 1000 calories. I normally eat about 1400.

  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    beccahbase wrote: »
    1200 is too low. I'm cutting weight at 1700 and I'm only 4'10. I'm losing weight just fine at a 50c\30p\15f split. You may need to eat less if you are non active, but never that low for the sake of your metabolic health... If your metabolism is fried than you won't lose anything at all or because of the restrictions your body will very quickly burn out. You're going to feel mentally drained, sick, and lethargic :/ good luck <3

    You can't know for sure if 1200 calories are too low for her. She herself must test for a few weeks what works best for her.
    I am under 5 feet tall and I started on 1400 and then on 11300 calories and did not lose a single pound in six month. I went down to 1200 calories ( which is still a lot of food for me, because I eat all natural and have all my life ) and started to lose, even though I have no thyroid and have active Lupus. I have lost in two years and two month exactly 65 pounds....the .5 pounds I was aiming for a week.

  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I have been eating between 1200-1300 since February. I definitely cut Ranch down a lot but, still have it with certain things. Just had some today actually. Delicious!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I find I can easily fit in two slices of thin crust pizza in to my day. See if you can switch your boys to thin crust.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I had a thought about the noodles. An appropriate portion for you would be about 3/4 cup, paired with bag salad and some chicken breast on top. That way your boys can have their noodles and you too. Who knows? They might start eating more veggies too.
  • LC932017
    LC932017 Posts: 94 Member
    cutting your soda intake will save you 1000 cals alone. Cutting ranch (shutter) will save you 280 cals and cutting the syrup will save 200 cals. Nearly 1500 in some very simple ways. Maybe 1200 is too little or maybe its good either way good for you for being honest with yourself and I am happy you made it through day one feeling good. Keep going :)