tracy0919 Member


  • Just a suggestion: try switching your fat and protein macros. You need more protein for muscle support, and less fat so you can burn off the fat on your body already. Maybe if you've been stalling, this is an option to consider.
  • Helewisa, I gained the most weight ever working nights as a nurse.
  • Love your Lana prof pic! Archer is delicious, slightly naughty fun :smiley:
  • I need to up my avocado game. Such good nutrition. Coconut oil: I use it to cook/fry my eggs and chicken and whatever else. The chicken works great if you season it with your favorite herbs, then fry it on med-medium high 5-7 minutes per side. It is much lighter and less "oily tasting" than other oils. It doesn't take much…
  • Also, it helps to think of fruit as "natural candy" - it has lots of sugar. I try to keep my sugar down to no more than 10g a day because it makes me crave more and other sweet foods that I'd rather not eat. Also, it gets me on that "eat and hungry in an hour" cycle. Eating your protein and fat in whole foods keeps you…
  • I take supplements - magnesium, calcium, vit D, omega 3 , and a good multivite. I have some of the heavy head in the morning sometimes, and I figured out if I don't drink enough water it is worse. I'm finding I need to drink much more water than I did before and increase my sodium dramatically. I hardly ever used to use…
  • Ooh good question! I've tried both ways and fewer fat grams with more protein grams works better for me. Personally, I keep to over 30 and under 50 fat grams a day. Of course there are 9 calories per gram of fat and 4 calories per gram of protein (I think this is right?), so looking at the ratios like MFP shows can be kind…
  • Thanks so much. I will look into Dr. Dean
  • Hilarious!
  • I'll go first! SW: 232 lbs LWW: 217.9 lbs TWW: 214.3 lbs Total weeks loss: 3.6 lbs
  • My highs: - my blood tests came back all normal except low magnesium and lipids a tad high. My doctor didn't even bat an eye at the lipid; he just said he knew I was losing weight and it was to be expected. And - I was able to confirm I am definitely in ketosis. :smile: - I had dinner with a friend who had bariatric…
  • Any sort of specialty drink: pumpkin spice latte's, pretty much any kind of latte really, coolata's from dunkin donuts, pepsi, maine root sodas... Thankfully my husband drinks coke, which I don't like, but he is also trying to eat better so only has a single coke about once a week. I've been able to start drinking cold…
  • I do not do any cheat meals for several reasons: the one time I tried it, I ended up sick and achy right after I ate it into the next day; I still have a good amount of weight to lose, and I don't want to knock myself out of ketosis. If I want something that has more carbs than 20 but under 50, I log it then do some…
  • Hey! Just wanted to share: I got my recent blood tests back that show I am in ketosis! So nice.
  • It was the same for me as Knit - once I upped my fat and water it went away
  • I've been at low carbs for 6 weeks - under 20 usually, up to 40 in a few dinners (like 2) out with my husband. I had some chocolate on Wednesday evening, and yesterday I was out of commission. I was head-achy, stomach sick (I couldn't eat), and just physically achy. I threw out the rest of the chocolate because I couldn't…
  • Wow! WTG! Awesome :)
  • repeat post
  • - Aren't you going to eat that? - She doesn't want to go out to eat there because she is on a "special diet". <eye roll> - If that is all your going to have, why did we bother to go out to eat?? - You know, most people who lose a lot of weight gain it back like, a year later. - You eat that and you are trying to eat…
  • Thanks so much for the articles. I just ordered some more that is easier to absorb. This has been a great thread.
  • I'm curious: what is ReMag? Is it a brand of liquid magnesium? Also, did it have a taste or taste yucky? What form of magnesium is it?
  • SW: 232 CW: 215.1 Total Down: 16.9 GW #1: 35 more lbs (180lbs) GW #2: 75 more lbs (140lbs) GW#3: 90 more lbs (125lbs) 5 weeks into this, fairly happy with results.
  • I think it is not unusual to have some of these feels when losing noticeable pounds. It's like you have to find a new way to see yourself in a different space. I think our identity is partly bound in our perception of our physical selves, and when we lose weight, the cognitive dissonance is real and has to be worked…
  • I've been staying around 15-21 carbs, but am considering going to 10 or less. I find if I have any carbs beyond 21, my energy level swings, I become impatient, it's hard to concentrate and I want more! Plus, I think it gives me a headache. Since starting this keto way of eating, those things have mostly just dropped off. I…
  • @Sunny_Bunny_ - it looks like quite literally! So funny :D
  • @Cheesy567: you are so right! The paragraph does say she was taking an adequate amount of supplement. I forgot that when I was replying. So, am I interpreting this right that carbs control the vehicle by which Vit C gets recycled then used? I have seen and read several articles about using the ketogenic diet for epilepsy -…
  • @Cheesy567 : it's worth noting that your example is a 9yo child with other medical complications. The clinical picture is larger than the information given in the case study paragraph; the reader cannot determine why she tested so low - something else going on in her body, not eating any food with Vit C, how many and what…
  • Following labs run by my doctor, I'm supplementing with: magnesium/potassium (were low), calcium/vit D3/biotin (were low), omega-3, and a women's multivitamin. The second time around, my magnesium was still low, so I did some research and found that magnesium oxide doesn't absorb well. I switched to magnesium stearate…