fattothinmum Member


  • As a diabetic, low carb is often touted. I love fruit and I like to eat chocolate. I did it for a month to drop weight fast and now my weight is in normal range, I can tolerate higher carbs as long as I exercise regularly, and I eat them. I think it depends on the person. If you like low carb food, it's a moot point. At a…
  • I've had to learn to live with a bit of a belly. I'm smaller than my profile pic, but I also don't want to lose any more weight from anywhere else. Just the belly, but to lose what's left on my belly, I'd need to lose more elsewhere too, I'm beginning recomping to see if that helps, but barring surgery which I'm not going…
  • Take it one day, one step and one meal at a time. It all adds up over time.
  • Wow. You've never been in the mountains in the snow in the UK? You must be young....
  • I'm a Vanquish girl. The Cliftons are uber light but I feel unstable in them and felt like running on sand compared to the Vanquish, which is still light but with more support. The Bondi is simply too heavy for me. I wear mens though as the ladies are so blooming narrow.
  • I run alone. In daylight, I go where I'd go alone on a walk. Always loads of other people going about. In the dark, I loop our village, avoiding wooded areas and sticking to streets and early evening when other joggers and walkers are out too. If it's later, I take along a teen on his bike. He's over 6' and a good…
  • 50. T2 diabetic, hypothyroid and fibro. I have never been healthier and fitter than I am in my fiftieth year. We might be over 50, but we deserve to feel as good as we can.
  • I'm a proud slow runner. We're awesome and out there doing. Don't be ashamed of it. Be proud that you can RUN. Speed isn't important. You're doing it for you. Our bodies can't all tolerate the same things. I know I'm never going to be fast and I'm ok with that. 5 miles is 5 miles, whether I take half an hour or an hour or…
  • I'm a home girl. Not to easy to find excuses not to go. Gym membership wasn't worth it for me. We're all different. What you'll stick to, is what's important.
  • I struggle with finger gloves and end end of fingers being chilly for the first 5k. I'm looking for woollen mits now that I can add a handwarmer to, and ditch in the first bin when my hands warm up.
  • I just continue with the warm up and down walk, however long I plan to run.
  • Weigh yourself on a friends scales. If you're the same weight, book the first available appointment with your GP and call 111 if it's in the future. No reason not to call 111 at that weight.
  • Yup. Just when I run. A while back, I started non stop sneezing about 10mins after each outdoor run but not inside. I take an antihistamine daily now, which fixed the sneezing. I always have to carry tissues to.
  • Go outside before a race. It's a whole different world of uneven ground, wind, cars, and much more interesting. To start with, it can be harder, but after a few runs, you adjust to outside. I started on treadmill and use it if weather is too hot or really bad, but otherwise, I prefer outside now. The bonus to outside for…
  • I started in January. Struggled with the 90 seconds of running then. Today, I ran 8.25 miles and could have gone further, but prefer to build up my distance by still having some gas in the tank at the end of a run. It's awesome the day you get past 3-4k and heart and lungs settle into a steady pace from there on. Saying…
  • On the treadmill, I catch up on TV I've missed and high tempo dance tunes towards the end. Outside, any lively music does me as I find running outside easier, as long as it's not blowing a gale or too hot.
  • OMG. I googled it too. I'll never look at wool in the same light again, but there are, I imagine farmers who shear humanely. I think I'll try finding some.
  • Yip. Have lost over 100lbs drinking diet soda every day. Sometimes 2-3 litres of the stuff.
  • When I get things like that, I hurriedly pass them off to others or the kids, however, I wouldn't worry about a birthday tea excess day. I just move on the next day and don't feel guilty now, as birthdays are pretty rare.
  • I'll never love running in the morning. I doubt I ever will. If you like it, you'll do it. I go when I have free tome and that's usually evening.
  • Start slow and speed up once you're past the protesting phase. It takes me about 1.5k for my heart and lungs to settle, but outside Ibhave a wee hill at the start and sometimes calves protest for 10 mins, but after that it's fine. Some of us will never be fast. If I ever hit 5k in 30 mins, I'll throw a party. But, I can…
  • Yep. Treadmill and run apps are always way way over my reported calorie burn from my watch.
  • Zip pocket or belt for car key. Outside door, police approved key safe for front door so I don't have to carry one at home, and saves kids carrying keys if I'm out for a run and they come home. Had to change the locks too many times for forgetful teenagers, so now they share the one key. Major benefit for keyless running…
  • What shoes do you wear to run? I used to have PF. I couldn't have run much then. I just walked until my feet healed, but I had pain 24/7, not just running. Check your shoes are appropriate for running and fitted for you. Inserts are useful if they're in the right shoes. How fast you run can make a difference too, as PF…
  • This isn't necessarily true. We're all different. I maintain around an average of 1400-1500 daily calories over a week, and up to 20-30k a week running. I'm fluctuating between 136-140 at 5"4. Many of you would lose shed loads at that rate. Not all of us. I agree OP needs to re evaluate calorie burn and eating, and test…
  • Started running Jan this year with C25K. Am still very slow but can run around 1.5ish hours once a week and 5k twice a week. My fastest was 10k in 70 minutes and 5k in 33 minutes. My distance in longer run is growing. Around 12k is my furthest so far. My goals are 10 miles in long run by my year running anniversary and 5k…
  • The Apple watch calories for workout tend to be realistic, whereas most apps are very inflated.
  • OP. If you're losing weight by logging the average banana and enjoy them, why worry? If not, and losing weight has stalled, giving up bananas because you don't want to/have time to weigh, suggests to me that you don't like them enough to fit them in.
  • Any one of the couch to 5k programs is good. I'm another one who runs faster outside than on a treadmill. I have no idea how that works as I feel I'm going at the same pace and leg turnover. I must take bigger steps outside.
  • Go by the mirror. I'm 136 and all the fat I have left is my belly. I'm happy with absolutely everywhere else, apart from some loose skin, but not too bad. I know now that what I used to think was loose skin, was actually still loads of fat. My belly is my biggest bugbear. I've stopped really going by the scales. Last time…