Laflammp Member


  • Hi! I am 20 weeks pregnant with my second! At my first pregnancy, I gained over 50lbs!! I already am quite overweight to begin with! This time, I am aiming at controlling the weight gain! I have gained only five pounds so far (yay!) but I also have had quite a few weeks of binge eating, giving in to my unhealthy cravings,…
  • Hello! I'm a stay-at-home mom. My little girl is 11 months old (already gosh!!!) I'm also a part time student in university. Want to lose about 30lbs and of course tone my mommy tummy lol. Feel free to add me! Sure need all the motivation and tips and tricks I can get!! :)
  • Hi! I am a new mom of a 4month old! I also am a SAHM and I've got at least 30lbs to loose! It is always nice to have people to relate to and to motivate you in the journey! :smile: Feel free to add me (anybody)! I really need all the support I can get! :wink:
  • I'm in the same boat! I've gained weight while breasfeeding (my daughter is 4months old) and even if I have all the motivation in the world to try and workout, my little girl needs so much attention I don't have time for that! What helps me not depress, is telling me "it took 9months to gain that weigh (prengnancy), to be…
  • Hi! I am a new mom of a 4months old little girl! I also am a SAHM and will go back to university next winter! Feel free to add me! I really need a lot of support and motivation to loose that baby weight!
  • I am from Québec, Canada! I live in Ontario, Canada :)
  • Hello! I am a new mom trying to loose the baby weight! Feel free to add me! I will need a lot of support and motivation!! Just started to use the app as well! :smile: