sharlsg Member


  • Hey, thanks for sharing your story so honestly. You are gonna ace this! First and foremost, try not to compare yourself with others- comparison is the thieve of joy and it's my worst quality myself, you only beat yourself up more. Instead be grateful for where you are and embrace the life's lessons thrown your way. I don't…
  • Hey! Feel free to add, I'm a,l for cheering people on when their goals are so impressive. You'll get there this time!
  • Hey! I'll send you a message...its 12:30am where I'm from :) back to it tomorrow!
  • After spending 4 years trying everything under the sun from the 17 day diet, calorie counting, eating clean, quitting sugar I've finally found a solution in nutritional cleansing where I've lost more than my goal weight and now I've maintained for the last 6 months. Such a good feeling! I use this fabulous app for portion…
  • Wow you are super busy! I would oat yourself on the back for doing as much as you do fitness wise! That's an incredible fitness routine, don't ever stop that
  • For the first time ever I've found a solution in nutritional cleansing that has helped me lose beyond my goal weight and now I've maintained for the last 6 months. Such a good feeling!
  • Just remember how fabulous it feels, smells and tastes when you lost all that weight the first time. It's such an elevated feeling I find
  • Not on the Fitbit bandwagon yet, but I do need more friend in my fitness pal newsfeed to motivate me along