Having a hard time losing weight!

Hello, I need some ideas on what to do to lose weight. I am 46 years old, 5'0" and 150 and post menopausal. I've been trying to stay within 1200 calories a day. I workout at least 4 times a week. My goal is to lose 1lb a week. This is my second week and the scale has not moved. Any suggestions?


  • merunkamac
    merunkamac Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. I am not at all an authority. And I'm a 6'1" 230#,31y/o man. But you can take a look into intermittent fasting.

    There is a great deal of science to back up the concept. If you are interested, I can pass you what I know.
  • kaiwooglin
    kaiwooglin Posts: 59 Member
    Don't look at the scale and get all worked up about the number it tells you, use it as a guide only. Measure your body with tape. It's a far better mentally
  • equinteros
    equinteros Posts: 7 Member
    @merunkamac, anything will help at this point!
  • equinteros
    equinteros Posts: 7 Member
    @kaiwooglin, that's great advice! Will do, thank you
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Well, being short and not drastically overweight-there's not much room for error. If you're not weighing all food on a food scale-start. If you're forgetting to add condiments, drinks, oil-start. If you're taking unlogged bites-log them.
  • bmchenry02
    bmchenry02 Posts: 233 Member
    Are you tracking your macros? Once I started doing that vs straight calories it really helped me see a difference although I don't rely on the scale much anymore.
  • equinteros
    equinteros Posts: 7 Member
    @arditarose, love being short, but my weight, Ugh! I started weighing my food approx 6 months ago and it helps. I do not count the oil when I cook. I usually cook family meals and so I don't know how I should count my portion of the oil I added. The only thing I drink besides water is coffee in the mornings. I can't give that up quite yet! Thanks for the suggestions.
  • equinteros
    equinteros Posts: 7 Member
    @bmchenry02, macros?
  • aflores0808
    aflores0808 Posts: 25 Member

    I'm new to this site but I have been working on eating right to lose weight the last year. What works for me is to eat low glycemic index foods. I love my sweets so I converted basic recipes like banana bread to healthier versions, using almond flour, flax seed flour, and sprouted flours (all low carb or no carb). I use almond unsweetened milk instead of regular milk.
    Good luck!
  • kaiwooglin
    kaiwooglin Posts: 59 Member
    Macros (macronutrients)... Percentage of carbs, fat, protein in ones diet. Example of mine is 40% carb, 30% fat, 30% protein.
  • equinteros
    equinteros Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you, @aflores0808
  • equinteros
    equinteros Posts: 7 Member
    I see! Hmmm! I shall try @kaiwooglin
  • bmchenry02
    bmchenry02 Posts: 233 Member
    equinteros wrote: »
    @bmchenry02, macros?

    There's lots of info on the forums already if you search counting macros or TDEE etc. I started with iifym website and a few other free ones to get an average. Then you can customize MFP for your data and watch the grams and %. It might be just the thing you need. After a few weeks you start to get a better idea of eating the right amount of P/F/C to reach your calorie goals.
  • sharlsg
    sharlsg Posts: 10 Member
    For the first time ever I've found a solution in nutritional cleansing that has helped me lose beyond my goal weight and now I've maintained for the last 6 months. Such a good feeling!
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    For shorter older ladies, our calorie requirements are going to be low. I am a 53 year old 4'11" lady. I would recommend using the search function in the forums for 5' or shorties group.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    weigh all your food.
    it can take a week or two for weight loss to start.
    also use a measuring tape. ex: I hadn't lost any weight for a week and was up a few lbs but the tape showed I had lost an inch around my waist.
    patience. eat a deficit and this will happen. that's all you really need to know

    macronutrients will help you become healthier in theory(staying in the suggested guidelines) but aren't necessary to see the scale move