The daily struggles

mony562 Posts: 7 Member
Hi! My name is Monica and I am 29 years old. All my life as far as I can remember I have struggle with my weight. I have always been the tall, chubby girl with the pretty face. I was alwYs the one who was picked last by the guy, because I wasn't skinny enough or pretty enough. It really bother me a lot. I became very insecure with my own body and I noticed I would nick pick every part of my body. About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and that made it even harder to lose weight. I had recently lost 10 lbs about a month ago but due to some circumstances in my life I quickly gained all of them. It's been hard for me to stay on track and now I jus don't have the energy to do anything. I just don't feel happy about myself. What do you all do to find that energy within you to kick start again?


  • Farahworld
    Farahworld Posts: 41 Member
    Most of us are on the same boat. People love the girls/guys who are confident and love themselves. The problem is that we can not love ourselves because we seek perfection and that is why people can't love us because they can see that we are not happy with what we are right now. You need to lose weight for looking healthy and living longer, of course looking better will be a plus, but it should not be the only reason. Guys and love are not related to your weight, it is related to personality, luck and taking chances.
    I know I should tell myself the same thing but hopefully we will love ourselves someday!
    And you will lose the weight just try harder!
  • sharlsg
    sharlsg Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, thanks for sharing your story so honestly. You are gonna ace this! First and foremost, try not to compare yourself with others- comparison is the thieve of joy and it's my worst quality myself, you only beat yourself up more. Instead be grateful for where you are and embrace the life's lessons thrown your way. I don't know if this will be your thing, but it worked a treat for me and I got my energy back that I didn't know I was missing and that lead to me getting my motivation back. It all started with a 30 day cleanse i did and I lost 5.5kgs and now I've maintained for 7 months. I have never felt this good and now my family are feeling the same way :)
  • mony562
    mony562 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you both! Yes, trying to love myself again and it's been a hard journey doing so but I know it's the first thing I need to really work on! Today is my 2nd day of Doig this diet and exercise thing and I really want to stick to this because I do want to be a healthier me. So how are you too doing with your own daily struggles?
  • punishere
    punishere Posts: 8 Member
    Hi it's actually kinda encouraging to see you sharing so openly. You can do this. For yourself and those who love and appreciates you. Just strive to be the best version of yourself.
    Well, think the first thing to do is to clean up your diet. This battle is won in the kitchen. Will be important to know the basics of nutrition and setting clear, and correct goals. Feel free to share info and motivation!
  • kywy84
    kywy84 Posts: 20 Member
    I totally understand what you mean. I have had the same type of experience too and am also in the process of learning how to love myself for who I am and not what I look like. I really do think that is one of the big keys to losing weight successfully....doing it for you only. I have over half of me to lose with a medical condition that is going to cause me challenges for the rest of my life as well. I am learning to stop listening to others who don't want to take the time to understand my situation. That isn't always easy. Best of luck to you and you can always add me as a friend. Any of you can. I will do my best to encourage you on your walk.
  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,832 Member
    Hello and welcome. I suggest you take of good look at yourself. It is not all about the outside. Actually, your personality is worth a great deal. So list some of your qualities that you really like about yourself and what other people like about you as well. Set small goals and believe in yourself. There is lots of support here, so visit often. You can do this!
  • amudd645
    amudd645 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm the same age and for a long time struggled with the same issues. However I started to change my mentality a while ago. At first it was lying to myself in the mirror. Sounds weird, but I would think "you've got a hilarious personality and pretty hair and nice eyes". Focusing on what I found positive eventually made me do nothing but focus on those parts more than the bad. The mind is a powerful thing.

    Also when I want to beat myself up I remind myself that there are so many people around me that love me as ME. Fat, thin, dolled up, rolled out of bed. Concentrate on those people and how they feel. Screw those other jokes who don't appreciate you for how awesome you are. They are the ones truly missing out!

    You got this! It's not a race. It's a life change. You will have good days and bad days, but believe in yourself because you can do it!
  • mony562
    mony562 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone who has shared something here. I couldn't stop smiling because it feels good to know I'm not the only one dealif with this issue. I tend to always be the one helping others or the one giving advice that people just tend to forget that I am even there. It sometimes feels so lonely and I tend to bottle everything up. Thank you for Sharing your thoughts and your struggles and advice :) it truly means a lot!
  • alexisrp4l
    alexisrp4l Posts: 7 Member
    ME TOO. Iam 28 I have PCOS as well. It is so so hard to lose weight. I have been at this for about a year and I have really not lost more them 10 pounds. Its frustrating. I let my weight control my life. If I can't do something or something goes wrong I always say it Cause in overweight.
    Please feel free to add me and we can share success stories because we will beat this! !
  • mony562
    mony562 Posts: 7 Member
    I have often blamed my pcos for not being able to lose weight :( as well. I know I need to control this weight gained in order to control my pcos because I don't want to have infertility issues in the long run. I don't want it to control my life and that's why I am determine to take a stand now before I regret it
  • apreezy
    apreezy Posts: 2 Member
    What i have learned is that is is truly about diet. Once you understand the types of food to eat, you can take the baton and run from there. That is seriously the biggest part. Diet, exercise and stress. The hardest thing for me was to stay away from pastas, flour, sugar, beer and caffeine - serious weaknesses. But what I try to do is focus on how good these new flavor combinations are tasting. Just stay positive and stick with it!
  • nora_gettingfitnow
    nora_gettingfitnow Posts: 108 Member
    Wii_Player wrote: »
    Hello and welcome. I suggest you take of good look at yourself. It is not all about the outside. Actually, your personality is worth a great deal. So list some of your qualities that you really like about yourself and what other people like about you as well. Set small goals and believe in yourself. There is lots of support here, so visit often. You can do this!

    I think this message is definitely the way forward for you, awesome advice @Wii_Player
    Taking note of all your positive qualities no matter what they are will help you feel better about yourself, sit with positive friends and ask them what positive qualities they love about you and I bet the list will be so long you will not be able to keep track.

    This will help to motivate you to stay on track as you will realise how awesome and strong you really are and can totally do this.
    Map out your meals and even your exercise for a couple of weeks and stick to it, after this it will start to become a routine.
    But always concentrate on yourself and how great you really are as this will keep you going.

    Good luck doll, you can achieve anything :wink:

  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,832 Member
    Thank you, Nora.
  • mony562
    mony562 Posts: 7 Member
    Wii_Player wrote: »
    Thank you, Nora.

    Thanks gals :) greatly appreciated!!!!! Being part of this has truly helped me get focused again and really start loving myself again :)
    I can't wait to see what this journey will have in store for me! I can't wait to hear everyone's success stories!