bushman707 Member


  • That's legit man! You should seriously do it, it has been motivating me big time to really get back into like I use to. Probably cause I am going to put on a uniform that screams Merica' and is the suit is pretty snug lol gotta get it right! Let me know if you decide to do it, I made my own program and its working awesome.…
  • @shrinkingletters sounds like we both need to hit it up next year! I have never been so you are the veteran lol.
  • @CSARdiver oh good stuff man! Thanks for your service brother! I did 6 years and decided to try something new. I have always felt like everyone should have to put in at least a few years in the mil, so I did my time lol #priormilitary
  • @fannyfrost thanks (: it surprisingly is a great motivator lol I'm getting into it! Oh man when is the NY one? I bet that one is pretty huge. Have you ever dressed up?
  • @Jennloella nothing wrong with that! I hope Scarlett Johansson is there, I'd turn on the stalker skills lol
  • @lamurano right on! Why don't you go anymore?
  • @shrinkingletters that would be a good one! I'll be Hank McCoy, lets hit up San Diego Comic-con! Lol
  • @CSARdiver I heard the San Diego is crazy lol I would like to check that one out some time soon. I actually from Cali, but I got stationed out here when I was in the military, got out and am finishing college out here now. Are you military?
  • @mose09 ooh gotcha! Yeah the CDK is too low carb for my routines but the TDK looks good, let me know how it goes for you! Appreciate it.
  • @shrinkingletters lol right on! It is a pretty big goal, I'm hitting the gym hard and dieting strict as hell I hope it pays off lol.
  • Hello (: @Kymflem11 and I'm down for some motivating and motivation! @rockpoph1 @BexiM89
  • Thanks!!! I am hoping so lol! Thanks for the motivation (: @EmmaFitzwilliam
  • @mose09 I looked into it and the TKD version sounds perfect for my goals and fitness routine. Are you on the CDK or TDK?
  • @mose09 hmm i have heard of the Keto diet but never looked into it. But I will for sure check that out now, Thanks!
  • This is the one I'm looking at right now
  • Thanks for motivation and info! I'll for sure look into all that! I hope my plan works out lol have you guys been to a comic-com? @ManiacalLaugh @CSARdiver
  • What's up everyone! Just saying hello and I am new to the the app. Hope everyone I doing well and feel free to add me.