artzymummy Member


  • I have a 20 month old and a 3 year old (just turned 3 last weekend), both boys. They keep me busy. I have lost nearly 56 lbs, still at least 30 to go. My boys are the reason I turned my eating habits around. Early 30's and I was having trouble getting off the floor and that was not an option. I will not be a sidelines mum!…
  • I went undiagnosed with my first son, got pregnant fairly quickly and had a breakdown while pregnant with my second son. It is scary, it is hard and there are people out there trained to help you so let them. If your husband is the supportive type, then let him into what you're thinking and how you're feeling. If he isn't,…
  • Mushroom and cheese quiche using wonton wrappers. Really hit the spot.
  • Name: Robin Age: 33 Starting Weight May 29th:179.8 Goal Weight July 3rd: -174 (realistic) -169 (not as realistic for me) Weigh In Week June 5: 177.5 June 12: June 19: June 26: July 3: Total LBS lost this week: 2.3 lbs Total LBS lost this month: Weekly Goals: 15,000 + steps a day, continue with intermittent fasting…
  • (SAHM) I try and get my steps up by moving for five minutes every hour as well as walk while my kids have breakfast. These days my challenge for myself is to get 5000 steps in by 8 am and be at 10,000 by 1 pm. Obviously being at home I have the luxury of moving around as much as I want. I try for 15,000 in a day.
    in Ideas Comment by artzymummy June 2016
  • Hope you'll accept one more. Name: Robin Age: 33 Starting Weight May 29th:179.8 Goal Weight July 3rd: -174 (realistic) -169 (not as realistic for me) Weigh In Week June 5: June 12: June 19: June 26: July 3: Total LBS lost this week: Total LBS lost this month: Weekly Goals: 15,000 + steps a day, attempting intermittent…
  • Vegetarian for about 21 years, wow that makes me feel old. Add me if you like.
  • Just moved back to my Vivofit after a stint with an Jawbone Up Move. Have a Forerunner 25 on order. Mostly walking and current goal is to get 15,000 steps in a day (About 10 km).
  • I have a Vivofit and I pop it out of the wrist band and put it on my ankle just inside my sock. It seems to register just fine. Yesterday I took the kids for a walk (double stroller, two toddlers) and put it in my pocket out of the strap and again it registered. I doubt they are 100% at any time, but these two methods do…
  • Saskatchewan.
  • We do family walks on the weekends and when my anxiety isn't being a pain I will take the kids out during the week. Pushing two toddlers in a tandem stroller is a workout, especially if there are hills or wind. Otherwise, I try and get something in while they nap or do body weight strength training while they are playing.…
  • Saskatchewan here. 35 - 40 lbs to go to hit my first goal so I'll be in the looser category for a while still. :smiley:
  • Most of mine involve my kids these days. - Questioning my food choices (Why can't the boys have juice with supper? Because they will drink it all and not eat their supper. Give them fruit with supper, I'm ok with that, but not sugar water flavored like a fruit.) - Your kids are awfully pale, are you sure they're not…
  • Yep, my boys are up to date and where I live there is an app that even lets me know when they are coming due for a vaccine. I did my research, lost a couple acquaintances over such discussions, and made an educated decision. I refused to simply read scare tactics, I needed both sides so that I could see what was out there…
  • Eldest and certainly ok with that. (Though if I stand with my brothers you would think I was the youngest - they both tower over me)
  • I second the slow cooker comment. Best thing is, if you make a large pot of something you portion it out after and you have a super quick meal that you just reheat. I make chili, stews, a coconut curry that I'm particularly fond of (and that probably doesn't even come close to a proper curry) and freeze it all. I freeze…
  • Thanks everyone. I won't back out and I will try to get over myself, lol. The last wedding I was in was my brothers and all of us bridesmaids were about the same size, other then my seventeen y/o cousin who is naturally tiny. That was before my kids and when I was at the lowest weight (180 lbs) I had ever been in my adult…
  • Welcome. I'm a SAHM to two boys, 1 & 2.5, both were c-section so I can relate to the struggle and you and I have very similar goals, though a bit of an age difference. :) Hubby's side is slim, so I need to be the fighter in all this to keep my boys healthy and that had to start with me. I've had the knowledge all this…
  • I heard that so much when I had my first son but quickly found that if I nap during the day, I don't sleep at night. Lucky me, lol. On the plus side, their nap time is my fitness time.
    in Sleep? Comment by artzymummy March 2016
  • I have averaged about 6 hours of broken sleep a night for the last 3 years. Before my first pregnancy 9 hours wasn't enough, I was constantly tired. There certainly are days where I wonder how I'm functioning, haha. I don't have an issue staying in my calorie range, tired or not, but the choices of what I eat do suffer…
    in Sleep? Comment by artzymummy March 2016
  • Apothic Dark. Bought a bottle a couple years ago for new years and drank it all myself. >:) Wasn't my fault no one else wanted wine. I couldn't find it again after that but came across it last weekend and it's still sooooo gooood. I don't care for any of the other Apothic wines though.
  • I can relate - though I at least have mixed support around me. Sometimes we need to find a way to kick ourselves in the butt... no one else can do the real work for us after all.
    in HELP !! Comment by artzymummy March 2016
  • I have a 1 year old and a possibly autistic 2 year old and to be honest I simply got mad one day and said enough is enough. My boys are my inspiration, I'm 33 with babies and I intend to be around as long as possible for them and for myself. The time I take to work out and eat right is really the only time I take for…
  • Thanks for the input and help everyone. :)
  • That is my understanding of it, though some site show going from 1200 cal's a day to maintenance, so I could see that working towards weight loss slowly. Other sites show dropping really low (500-800) some days and then high on other days but making it so that your week total would be like you had eaten 1200 a day. This…
  • Thank you both. If this had hit during the day it would have been easier to work with. I am ok with having a small amount of what I crave and then moving on so if I had the pretzels on hand I would have had a portion of if ( I know the dangers of eating out of the bag, did that while pregnant with my second child, an…
  • Thank you all so much for the kind words. I know I should take it easy... and stay off of Pinterest where all the "perfect mom's" post their "oh so easy" tips on everything. I know I have my hands full with my two boys (three when you count my husband, haha) but I guess I just can't help it. I only really start to stress…