staciscotty Member


  • JFT I will stick to the meals I have planned out for the rest of the day, and I won't cave with any additional snacks.
  • Mine definitely does. Whenever I put some fat back on i.e. on holidays my cellulite starts to creep back. The only time my cellulite is reduced and almost gone is when my body fat is low.
  • I have mine with lite vanilla bean yoghurt and lite/no added sugar tinned fruit salad - so good!
  • I have sugar free hot chocolate with 2x Equal tablets in it. It's like 12 calories and really does help with sweet cravings (especially if you brush your teeth and go straight to sleep after so you can't eat anything else ;) )
  • When I started CrossFit I had been going for about three months with no physical results at all, really frustrating. It wasn't until I cleaned up my diet that I began to see any changes. Unfortunately in my experience abs really are made (mostly!) in the kitchen!
  • Partner workout today: 15-12-9-6-3 (P1does 15 snatches, then P2 follows, P1 does 15 hang clusters, then P2 follows...) Hang snatch @ 45/30kg Dumbbell hang clusters @ 15/12.5kg Deficit HSPUs Row 200m/150m Was actually harder than I anticipated!
  • 6.48 RX a year ago, but that was before I could butterfly and I had to kip. I don't think my thrusters will be any better though - I swear that weight never feels any lighter, even if you're only doing like 10 reps in a workout!