abriz Member


  • Well, yes and no. I know both have their benefits. I guess I'm trying to figure out my best balance. So yes in the sense of what would be the best of the most time spent at the gym. I do incorporate both, but I guess my question is, should one outweigh the other? Time wise.
  • I fully agree that every minute of every day takes work during and after, and way after!! Thanks for the insight, and patience has never been my strong suit, but I'm learning from the first time around
  • @sunsweet77 so, you remain in a deficit while doing heavy resistance training? I'm amazed that you do that much cardio and that much weight training! Great job! I'm just curious, about the intake, I do remain in a deficit but was wondering do I need to be eating more on the lifting days? The day after? As in, what's…
  • @Joetf12 , I absolutely understand wanting to knock of those pounds quickly. If it's for an event or something like that I can see the rationale for sure. Aside froom that, I am a firm believer in the quicker it comes off, the quicker it can come back on. As I had mentioned before, and others have, just being able to…
  • @Joetf12 , I would invite you to change your way of thinking about a "diet". Paleo, Atkins, or any name "diet" can fad in and out real quick. I'm not knocking any of them, but you have to figure out what's sustainable for you. Are you willing to/have the ability to eat Paleo forever? For me it was learning how to eat, what…
  • I would definitely start logging again even only if that for now just so you can gauge your intake. I do have a bite or two of things I'm really truly craving out of hunger. It doesn't affect my total loss at all and helps me stay on track. I also allow myself one cheat meal a week, whatever I want how ever much I want.…
    in I need help Comment by abriz July 2017