Lololol sorry I guess I should have clarified! I can't and don't drink. My friends are older so they'll order and I'm stuck with the high cal pop! I have an addiction ;)
Lol by drinking I mean pop/lemonade and other sugar loaded beverages
Great to hear darling! I'm the same way, never tried gum though! I'm an avid yoga-er so meditation sounds nice too :)
Thanks so much for your input! Love it :)
I'm always open to a chat! Add me for some support whenever you need!
For me, the sugar withdraw is to blame. I admit I'm somewhat of a sugar junkie, so weening off of the high sugar/calorie diet I've had in the past gave me massive headaches. Try natural sugars like fruits and berries! They may help :) drink tons of water!
Thanks guys!! So many awesome suggestions. Add me so we can do this thing together!! :)
Hey DuckReconMajor, I have the same issue with the snacks at your parents house. I always tell myself "if it's prepackaged, it's not good for you." Anything in a clear little Baggie I try to avoid lol. I've heard the tea thing from tons of my friends but I binge on sweet and salty. Although water might fill me up faster…
Hey thanks for the reply! I absolutely love kids (going to school to deliver them actually!) and I know what a strain they can put on your diet and body. Let's do this thing together! :) If you're having a rough day just shoot me a message
Have the same issue! :(