BuxomBones Member


  • That is a huge accomplishment!!! Congratulations! You should be really proud of yourself. Its not easy dropping a lot and then gaining a bunch back. I had that happen to me during a rough patch. Getting back on the horse so to speak feels a lot harder the second time! But it sounds like you're doing a great job! Please…
  • Good job!! :)
  • The Fratellis: Henrietta, Flathead, Chelsea Dagger Bugsy by Bob Bradley & Terry Devine-King has a modern swing sound to it. As well as most songs by Parov Stellar. Swing music always gets me pumped up and also upbeat Elvis songs haha The Dreadnoughts are a polka/punk band with a lot of upbeat music as well if that's up…
  • Feel free to add me! I've been fat for literally my whole life and I'm aiming to get healthy. I completely understand what its like to have only thin friends who just don't understand. I have anxiety, depression, and I stress eat/binge eat (been doing much better!) So that makes this journey even more tough. I'm here for…