Riding the rollercoaster

Hi, I had lapband 12/10, lost from 323 to 220 and felt/looked amazing all in 8 months. Due to complications I had it removed 8/15 immediately gained up to 362 at my highest. Buying the "special" scale that goes over 330 was one of the worst experiences. Now I'm 339 and counting!!! Only 5'4. I definitely could use motivation!
In :D


  • BuxomBones
    BuxomBones Posts: 5 Member
    That is a huge accomplishment!!! Congratulations! You should be really proud of yourself. Its not easy dropping a lot and then gaining a bunch back. I had that happen to me during a rough patch. Getting back on the horse so to speak feels a lot harder the second time! But it sounds like you're doing a great job! Please feel free to add me if you to chat ever or need support!
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    Take it one day at a time! You're doing great! I believe that everything happens for a reason! I'm sure this experience has made you stronger and now you can do it the long, hard, and natural way. It ain't easy, but you gotta believe in yourself! You can do this!! Add me too if you want> :)