redshadow310 Member


  • My goal wasn't to maintain or lose weight, but to enjoy myself and track honestly. Of course thanks to Christmas food poisoning I lost 7 pounds, only gained 2 of that back once I was over it.
  • I eat mostly the same things I ate before. The biggest thing I gave up was soda. I only have 1 a week, and I limit that to a can or two, instead of an extra large with every meal. I know that in the future I will have to give up more as my caloric needs decrease. My target each day is 2500 calories. I usually don't eat…
  • I've finally just put it all together, Before I might diet a bit, or I might exercise a bit. Now I track everything I eat and walk a mile+ 5 nights a week. More importantly, I let the people in my life help me. I've always been very defensive about my weight and the lifestyle choices that led to me gaining so much of it.…
  • Wish I could have made it this year. Oh well there is always BGG Con.
  • Thanks for the advice everyone, I will stick with what I am doing now and hold off on going any lower. I probably should have clarified a bit better. The one pound loss was after 2 days of 1300 calories and feeling like crap. After that I found MFP and started my current routine of 2500 plus walking a mile+ a night. I plan…
  • I have been at this for a week. I last weighed myself 5 days ago and had lost 1 pound.
  • Most of the time. I have been snacking quite a bit to meet 2500 calories in a day.
  • I will be seeing one in a couple of weeks. I just want to get some good momentum going right now.
  • Sure. Male / 36 / 433 / 5'10" / Low during the day. For exercise I have been walking a bit more than a mile each evening.
  • I started using a CPAP machine 1 year ago this month and it has changed my life. I used to fall asleep constantly during the day, but now I am awake and alert throughout the day. I have been a loud snorer since I was very young, but when people suggested I had apnea I would dismiss them. Eventually with my job at risk and…