Steamy001 Member


  • Summary of today Burnt 4601 calories as of 11.20pm (no glass of wine as I did not hit 5000) :'( Walked 13.15 miles incorporating 170 floors a total of 26490 steps. Consumed 1799 calories Deficit 2167 calories 2.8-lb to go to my next goal.
  • I tend to treat myself to a glass of wine and a bowl of cereal late evening if I hit the 5000 cals, I had a polar flow before and the calories burn monitoring of the surge matches, I am getting 10 cals a min on my walks, the intensity is extreme a)due the speed we walk, b) the terrain c)the number of very steep hills, as I…
  • My deficit on calories is always 2000 or more, I am 6'3", I have checked with my doctor and he is very happy with my progress, I expect the progress to slow up hence why I have set 7-lbs drops as my next target. I intend to visit my doctor monthly as my aim is to get off my high blood pressure and Cholesterol medication,…
  • Today's walk burnt 2164 calories, walking for 3 hours 37 minutes, 148 floors done during the walk.
  • No I eat less than 2000-calories but never less than 1400. I never miss a meal, I snack late evening on cereal and fruit during the day.
  • The more weight I lose the lower my resting heart rate has become. I guess this is a sign of fitness.
  • Another activity I do is cutting my lawns, I cut the grass long so I am forced to cut it twice a week, its amazing how far you walk pushing the lawnmower, I don't engage the drive on it so I really have to work harder pushing it.
  • Before taken in mid May 2015 at 294-lbs Current picture at 247.8-lbs taken this morning on our walk Lost 5.1-lbs this week.
  • I am 6'3" tall, I asked my doctor if I was loosing too fast and he laughed at me, he was really pleased with my progress and encouraged me to keep going until I hit a healthy BMI. Loosing weight will sort my high blood pressure and high cholesterol. 245-lbs is just a target on the way to my real goal, 195-lbs is what I…