Nakita369 Member


  • Happy new year all time to get back into health and fitness one reason I was feel low was due to hormone changes. I found I am pregnant so now it supper important to have a healthy body and state of mind
  • Does anyone have an experience with obsessive compulsive personality disorder ?
  • This has definately helped thank you.I really appreciate how postive you were about me speaking out. That really means a lot. thanks to everyone I really can't say thank you enough. To be so well revived about something so private to me. It's a really big thing x I definately struggle with firstly being open and secondly…
  • @Okohme thank you for taking the time to respond. I feel that starting small is a good idea. What normally happens is i set my self up to fail because I say I'm going to do x y and z and don't end up doing anything. Maybe I will let myself a goal of attending at least one class a week at the gym and build up that way!…
  • @akillia112010 thank you for sharing with me. I hope that we can motivate and inspire one another. I feel you that yes losing a bit of weight would impact on mood. I feel use to be more confident and comfortably when I was smaller. I can empathise the shock of moving up categories in terms of weight. I've always had BMI of…
  • @jlscherme thank you for sharing you story with me and we'll done for losing 55lbs! I think one thing that I'm going to take away id that you can also gain weight from not eating enough. I was looking into how it put your body in to starvation mode. I was taking medication but I felt it didn't agree with me. Maybe it was…
  • @allmannerofthings i find i know exercise is so good for me but I really struggle. I have recently joined and new gym and i really like the spin class especially when I do it before work as it sets me up for the day. However it starts 6:30 and im find I'm soo zing my alarm :/ but I want to go and the feel rubbish thay i…
  • Having an argument with my partner aways leads to wanting to ear my emotions..... Any tips on how to be productive when managing emotional situations right in the moment?
  • @fitover40mom hiya I have started seeing a therapist recently and it has been really helpful. We started to tackle the aspect of PTSD first by focusing on reliving and now we are using CBT to focus on the depression and self esteem. Before going to the sessions I never identified by self as having low self esteem but it is…
  • @sarahmchugh07 thank you for writing to me and being supportive. I great to see that people are responding about me speaking out and that just makes me feel 10 timed better. It's give me that little bit of movitation to move forward and helping wih accepting it. Would definitely love the ongoing support thank you
  • @hope516 thank you do my for thr reply. I would definitely love the motivation and support and have added you so thank you very much. Yes I would say I feel shame about it. I think because it such a private things for me and I have it episode then i always try and wait the episode out. So in the back of my mind im like…
  • @avygyaru thank you so much for the humour. I think sometimes it ao easy to be down and let the negativity consume you. I Nedd to take a bot of your potive mental attitude and find a focus.
  • @edena001 thank you very much for the reply maybe we can motivate each other? I have recently joined a 24 hour gym to and once I'm there I really love it it's just the getting there.... I have found it useful to go in thr evening. But sometimes I find the classes better because the extra pressure of being around other…
  • @ameliamariea complete agree we need to be fit a ready for the zombie apocalypse. It's great to hear that's your are on medication and seeing a therapist I have recently reached out to a therapist myself and i'm finding it very helpful.
  • @fslumb thank you very much for replying I've add you and im so happy that you reached out its amazing how empowering feeling herd can be
  • The response from this threat is absolutely fantastic snd i just want to say thank you everyone who took the time out just to write to me whether it's to tell me ans bit of there story of to give me some tips. It's helped me to feel connect and helping me to keep acknowledge and hiding away from my difficulties. I'm hoping…