lauli22 Member


  • I understand your pain (both psychological and physical) . I have always loved to run and move around, but an inflamed meniscus is obliging me to reduce any activities. I can still do exercise for the upper body but I miss my routine. I think that you did a great work and that you could stick to your calories deficit so…
  • Propolis the bitter the better. Spray it in the throat, don't associate it with other conventional medicines
  • I reckon is all about vogue. Now females ask for it because is the trend, in the 90s they wanted backcombed hair, in the 60s extra colored outfits, in the 50s Marilyn curves, in the 20s the right to vote (oh so annoying these women) . If you receive some visual messages of female celebrities with big boots then you slowly…
  • I am so sorry for your loss, you have been really strong not giving up to binge eating and going back loving yourself. This is so inspiring for everyone! I bet you will be blessed again with a lucky new life, just let nature take its course
  • You really sounds sweet! I am sorry for your situation with your wife, but don't worry, new day: fresh start! Don't let the surrounding affect your health (mental, physical, emotional), find new hobbies, go for little excursions (hope you live in a warm place), join associations that organise things to do together, go back…
  • As other users suggested, try 1 prepare your food (either buy something at the supermarket that you like and it's nutritious) 2 save some calories from the usual balanced diet to eat something that you feel you are craving for, but choose in a way that you won't be eating too many calories .. you will find this impossible…
  • What kind of carbs? Have you ever considered that you might have a low tolerance of gluten? Try to eat gluten-free carbs and see what happens. If your stomach still get bloated maybe it's for the water retention and you need to drink more...(use some natural diuretics if necessary) Good luck!