GemmaGx Member


  • Honestly don't beat yourself up about it as you have to have a bit of what you like. Cutting things out completely can be unsustainable. I am having a bad week as haven't lost in last week and having issues with my dairy intolerance. I feel so bloated and down as scales are stuck at the minute. I have been pretty good to…
  • Yeah! Some Brits! I am from Chichester, went to uni in Bristol and Canterbury and now living back near home in Havant. Feel free to add me x
  • I am finding this thread interesting . My husband has Graves disease and has been on medication for a few years. I am assuming they are very different as he has never been told about changing his diet. He is about to undergo his radiation treatment soon. We are in the UK so maybe advice is different. I hope you can find…
  • I get this as I find it really difficult to get myself to the gym. If I have someone to go with even at the start this helps a lot. My leisure centre has an amazing gym and cousin works there, so always a friendly face but still I find it difficult. I am lucky though as I can choose from loads of classes on my membership…
  • Yeah I agree. Lead by example and also putting yourself first with regards to your health is really important. People have to come to their own decisions about making changes as you can't do it for them. My husband saw me losing weight and taking control of my fitness and without me mentioning anything he has decided he…
  • Hi, I have added you. Let's motivate each other and get there together x :)
  • Where can I buy the coconut bliss ice cream? This so nds like it could be right up my street! Love coconut ice cream! hanbanan78 what a fantastic reply! Loads of fantastic ideas here. Thank you so much for taking the time. I have discovered a few already but some new ones on me. Although some are expensive I will always be…
  • Hi everyone, Thank you for your replies. I have found a few alternatives. I have to say most soya milks actually are too sweet for me but I have found a plain unsweetened one from Asda that I like and use. I also like the idea of using vegan recipes. I have tried to cut out most dairy and waiting for the doctor to confirm…
  • I find company helps me get started. My son is ten and loves running but would leave me behind. He can run for hours! I am not feeling inspired to run outside with this horrible weather. Bring back the sunshine
  • Hi there, I am Gemma, I am 34 too and mum of 3. I am a fan of step aerobics so that's my fitness. You can download a couch to 5km in 8 weeks work out which you put on your mp3 and it leads you through each run and builds you up. Might be a option if you haven't ran for a while. I am considering doing this myself as I am…