guttahbuttah Member


  • For you all doing Sugar free for 30days with me.. I hope its going well! Challenge yourselves to stay away from that blueberry muffin and hot chocolate, and all them lollies you love eating while watching movies. Thanks for participating in this with me its super encouraging! I'm only on day 3 and surviving!! First time I…
  • Yes yay you!! Your doing great keep it up
  • Yes you can do it!! I'm just doing something I know I find extremely difficult! If this is you too then let's Challenge ourselves!
  • Hi! No no, I'm simply just doing this challenge for myself to keep me away from bakings and anything that is sweet, but to help me eat only fruits, veges etc. I'm not all into that detail with sugars in everything cause I'm sure sugar is in nearly everything.. But for just the obvious things. That's the perspective I'm…
  • I'll join you!! So much help when everyone is it in together. Your not alone.. Greetings from the tiny island of New ZealandZealand. You can do it!!
    in Newbie Comment by guttahbuttah July 2015
  • Yes join me!! I'm not a fan of sweets and lollies, but when it comes to muffins, ice cream aor hot chocolate then I'll dive right in! On my 3rd tomorrow, so far I'm behaving! I know you can do it too!!...I keep thinking.. "Only 30days.. Thanks girl!
  • It's good oto surround yourself with motivation especially people that are too!
  • Yes add me too! The more the merrier...hopefully the merrier of weight comes off too! :/
  • I used to be great with my fitness.. And then I got married and he fed me too much :( lol.. Ready to get back to the habbit of feeling great!! Gotta get motivated!