alyssalucio397 Member


  • Thank you! I'm in bed now and I honestly feel okay after an hour of that. After changing my diet I was barely making bowel movements. After today I feel like it all caught up with me.
  • Thank you for getting back with me. I've been doing very well without grease and eating extremely healthy. If I would have known it would be this bad I would have never of ate it. I used to eat this way before my lifestyle change so I didn't think just three weeks could make such a difference. What do you do with the…
  • No I'm not.
  • I eat chicken everyday. It's in all lunches and dinners. Using it twice a day every day is not moderation. I was wondering if eating it would be harm to my weight loss journey. I can't eat unseasoned chicken well.
  • I should have added I am on 1200 calorie diet. Lots of fruits, veggies, and chicken. I never thought to look on YouTube for with baby excersises, thank you! Our jogging stroller was red. Can not remember the name I just know it had huge tires and hit every bump and my son did not like that.