
I have an 8 month old baby and am a stay at home mom so I always have him. He hated the jogging stroller but it appears he loves walking. I walk roughly 1-3 miles a morning with him. So far I've lost 8 pounds with eating clean but will that burn fat as quickly as other things?


  • I lost over 110 pounds just by walking. I have started running lately, but walking at a brisk pace will certainly work.
  • JoelHumphries
    JoelHumphries Posts: 3 Member
    If you're eating clean then yes. There's no doubt you're burning a lot of calories and still getting an hour of exercise even while walking it is still a plus! Also it won't bring as much stress during the rest of you're day while doing you're job. 8 pounds , something's working
  • ARC1603
    ARC1603 Posts: 113 Member
    I've lost a stone so far three months after having my second baby and the only exercise I've done is walking. I had a c-section and separated stomach muscles (can't remember the term!) so was advised not to do anything more strenuous than that until 12 weeks pp.

    It all depends on what you personally want to achieve. Personally, I just want to get back to a size I'm happy with and can maintain without having to punish myself too hard to get there. I do exercise I enjoy and can easily fit into family life because otherwise I will not do it.

    Which jogger stroller did you have? My youngest seems to hate the double we bought for long walks in the countryside with full suspension and air tyres, but loves the cheap old one we have that the car seat fits onto that is useless for outdoorsy pursuits!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    edited August 2015
    The only thing needed to lose weight is a calorie deficit. Walking can help you get there (I'm about to go on a 4-mile walk since it's my day off), but you still have to make sure you aren't eating too much.
  • jessica22222
    jessica22222 Posts: 375 Member
    Try the map my walk app. It's awesome! Syncs with mfp
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Good for you! Check out YouTube for exercises you can do with your baby. I know there are some where you kind of use your baby as a weight, and weight lifting really helps burn fat.
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    I've lost over 40 pounds since March of this year by walking at a fast pace, Still, it's all about CICO (Calories In/Calories Out).
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    If you're eating clean then yes. There's no doubt you're burning a lot of calories and still getting an hour of exercise even while walking it is still a plus! Also it won't bring as much stress during the rest of you're day while doing you're job. 8 pounds , something's working

    Eating clean does not guarantee eating in a calorie deficit
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    My main exercise to begin with was walking and absolutely it burns fat, my legs/back side have never been so toned although I do a lot of interval training/running these days. :smile: A good brisk pace of walking is a good cardio workout. And you will lose as long as you burn more calories than you take in.
  • wonko221
    wonko221 Posts: 292 Member
    As i understand it you'll burn about the same number of calories when walking briskly or running the same distance. The advantage to running could be that you burn the calories (cover that distance) more quickly. If the baby likes walking but not running, the time advantage is a moot point.

    The bugbear is that you don't loose weight from exercise, you loose weight from taking in fewer calories than you need to maintain your current weight. Walking for 3 or 4 miles will burn the calories of one cheeseburger, but take a lot longer to accomplish than eating that cheeseburger.

    The trick for me has been in the phrase "weight loss is 90% in the kitchen and 10% in the gym." Continue eating well to loose weight, and walking to feel good and stay mobile.
  • alyssalucio397
    alyssalucio397 Posts: 9 Member
    I should have added I am on 1200 calorie diet. Lots of fruits, veggies, and chicken. I never thought to look on YouTube for with baby excersises, thank you! Our jogging stroller was red. Can not remember the name I just know it had huge tires and hit every bump and my son did not like that.
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Eating clean does not guarantee eating in a calorie deficit

    Is there even a definition for "eating clean" that is consistent among users of the phrase?

    At any rate, re: walking: great exercise, IMO. I try to walk 10,000 steps per day. Makes a huge difference.

    In the end, weight loss is a simple mathematical formula: calories out - calories in = deficit. Whatever you can do, through diet, exercise, or both, to create a consistent deficit, to make it work for you, then that's what you should do.

    I know for myself, walking helps my deficit. And the more consistent I am, the more consistently the fat comes off.

  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Walking is fantastic exercise.

    I really have no idea what eating clean means. I have always tried to wash my fruits, vegetables, and avoid dirty food. :)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Isn't clean eating just washing your hands before you eat? That's what momma always had us do.
  • baciodolce18
    baciodolce18 Posts: 113 Member
    Are you nursing? 1200 calories would be incredibly low for a nursing mom.

    Walking is a great exercise. Either as a start or for long term. As long as you're raising your heart rate, you're improving your cardiovascular health and helping to burn calories.
  • alyssalucio397
    alyssalucio397 Posts: 9 Member
    Are you nursing? 1200 calories would be incredibly low for a nursing mom.

    Walking is a great exercise. Either as a start or for long term. As long as you're raising your heart rate, you're improving your cardiovascular health and helping to burn calories.

    No I'm not.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Eating clean? Just eat in a calorie deficit. Buy a food scale and weigh all your solid foods so you know your logging is accurate. As long as you are in a deficit you will lose weight.
    And read the first post in this thread, there is a lot of helpful information in it: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1235566-so-you-re-new-here