chelseacate450 Member


  • I am medicated for it. But there isn't much noticeable change.
  • I understand that now. So ill leave the goal at the 1523 and if i burn more calories then its great, i should try to eat a little more though. but if i don't burn extra calories then its ok also because ill already lose it due to the program already taking away the calories needed to be taken away.
  • ok I understand this a lot more now. Thank you all for helping me out! I think ill try to burn 500 more calories then eat 250 back. would that be healthy?
  • if i set my goal to 1250 but eat 1500 would that be the equivalent of burning 500 calories on to of the 500 previously taken then eating half of the last 500 back?
  • Yes it does. It doesnt make sense but i see how it works. I just always hear that if you eat more then you burn you will gain weight. so i guess im stuck on that. i understand what you are saying. what do you recommend that i do? like eat the right amount then exercise and eat more? or just not exercise as much as i think…
  • If 2000 clories is typically normal for maintaining weight that means i only have a deficit of 500 at the beginning though. so arent i already gaining weight by eating more than that?
  • my calorie goal that it gave me is 1,523
  • I thought that if you eat more than you exercise that you will gain weight? how can eating more because you exercised be helpful. its like chasing an unreachable goal
  • that means if i eat 1,523 and meet my goal ill lose weight without exercising?
  • so if it says my goal is 1,523 on the far left (im on mobile) then i eat 1,523. I'd need to exercise 1,523 also? Ex. (1). 1,523 - 1,523 + 1,523= 1,523 and/ or (2). 1,523 - 1,400 + 1,400= 1,523 and/ or (3). 1,523 - 1,613 + 1,613= 1,523 would those be correct?