Question about Net



  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    ok I understand this a lot more now. Thank you all for helping me out! I think ill try to burn 500 more calories then eat 250 back. would that be healthy?

    Yes. Then you can reevaluate in a few weeks. Say 4 weeks from now, if you have lost 4 lbs then continue what you are doing. If you lose 6 lbs than you could probably eat a few more exercise calories if you wanted to.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    if i set my goal to 1250 but eat 1500 would that be the equivalent of burning 500 calories on to of the 500 previously taken then eating half of the last 500 back?

    I'll explain with my own numbers.
    I want to lose 2 lbs a week.
    For me to stay the same weight I currently am I would eat 2500 calories. This is with NO exercise. My organs and brain and body BURN 2500 calories a day just by existing.
    For me to lose the 2lbs a week I need to eat 1000 calories LESS per day. So my MFP goal is 1500. My body at its current size still burns 2500 calories, without exercise.
    If I exercise and burn an extra 500 calories (for this example) My body would be burning 3000 calories on that day. If I'm eating 1500 calories, I then have a deficit of 1500 calories, and that sets me to lose more than -2lbs a week. I can choose to eat those 500 calories for exercise, and I do because I get hungrier when I exercise. Or I can take the extra burn to lose a little faster.
  • chelseacate450
    chelseacate450 Posts: 15 Member
    if i set my goal to 1250 but eat 1500 would that be the equivalent of burning 500 calories on to of the 500 previously taken then eating half of the last 500 back?

    If you don't burn at least an addition 250 calories through exercise, than you would be decreasing your deficit to 250 calories instead of the 500 you wanted.
    Now lets say you burned 500 through exercise and consumed 1500 calories, that would mean that your deficit should fall somewhere between 500-750 calories for that day (based on your goal of 1250).

    I understand that now. So ill leave the goal at the 1523 and if i burn more calories then its great, i should try to eat a little more though. but if i don't burn extra calories then its ok also because ill already lose it due to the program already taking away the calories needed to be taken away.
  • robspot
    robspot Posts: 130 Member
    I understand that now. So ill leave the goal at the 1523 and if i burn more calories then its great, i should try to eat a little more though. but if i don't burn extra calories then its ok also because ill already lose it due to the program already taking away the calories needed to be taken away.

    That's it! Good luck
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    One other thing...if you calorie expenditure for exercise is reasonably accurate (some are, some aren't) and you have a relatively large energy expenditure (say you walk or run 10 miles) such that it gives you a large calorie deficit each day rather than a more nominal one, you'll also find that you'll "run out energy" to sustain that exercise for a long period of time. Your body will rebel to survive.