eoberle27 Member


  • Groovy Or Not, Attempt Disco D I S C O
  • And thanks for all the responses, guys, I think I've got a plan. I'll try the different sweeteners mentioned (and thanks to rhtexasgal for the mention of monk fruit, I'd never heard if that before!) and if I can't stand any of them, I'll start gradually lessening the sugar I add and see if maybe I can get by going without.
  • Well, that was kinda the point of the whole topic, trying to find a healthier way to enjoy it. I'd rather not give it up entirely just because I like tea that's sweet. I was just trying to find a viable alternative.
  • Hey, thanks for all the responses, guys! Seems like it's mostly up to preference. I think I'll just try a little of everything and see how it goes, lol!
  • Thanks a lot, guys, I'm definitely gonna be trying some of these! They sound easy and delicious!
  • Whoops, sorry, posted before I was done with that, lol! Thank you all for your suggestions, they sound delicious! Worldofalice, you mentioned a blog. No, I've not heard of it, do you have a link?
  • [quote="worldofalice; Other ideas - make a giant spanish omelette, that could keep you going for a few days with salad and can be eaten hot or cold! Giant couscous with roasted veg, make a giant batch and it can last you all week. Vegetable (or meat) moussaka would freeze well, but you'd want to have it hot! Have you ever…
  • Thanks for all the advice, guys. I will take it all into consideration. It's really great hearing about other peoples successes, I am feeling much more confident in my chances now!
  • Thanks a bunch! So, since I'm a total newbie at reading nutritional info on packages what sorta things should I be looking for to get good fats?
  • Thank you, that's good insight. I tend to be sleep-deprived as a matter of course so there's not much I can do about that. I never know when I'm going to work so sleep-patterns are out the window, lol. We're also not allowed much time to stop when driving (15 minutes there and back :/) so I'm very limited in where I can…
  • Thanks so much! That is really motivating to hear! :)