JayLeitao Member


  • Thanks, as I mentioned, I have been. :) But otherwise I'd like to know what are like the main steps to maintenance.
  • Incredibly helpful! I weighed around 63 kilos when I entered this job 6 months ago, I think I'm now around 55? Before that I have no idea. I'm 5'4" and 20 years old. I work 13 hour shifts 7 days a week as a waitress, but we have this "on-table" BBQ schemes which are INCREDIBLY heavy to carry, and I must lug about 100 back…
  • Thanks for the links for the reducing tips. I'd like to repeat as most people keep saying "gaining weight"....I'm NOT >gaining< weight, I'm perfectly healthy, I just have the last little bit of stomach fat that won't seem to shred and I'm wondering if it was down to the amount of carbs that I was getting fed daily at work.…
  • I don't think a jar of salad is enough energy for what I'm spending though. I literally can't afford to be exhausted. Sounds about right, the biking is absolutely fabulous for my lower half which I am entirely happy with. My arms are very toned too. It's just the damn stomaach. I want it gone but I don't have the time! : (
  • Fair enough, I can definitely say I'm NOT eating too many calories though. I usually never hit over 1000 and my activity levels are high. The rest of me is toned but it's just the belly. It's just the one meal a day and I'm constantly active so I had the carbs pegged as the issue. Clearly I AM misunderstanding but then how…
  • Okay thanks for the suggestions, unfortunately with my current lifestyle I live at work. I don't actually even have time to go to the supermarket. I know that sounds ridiculous and is mostly unfathomable but I start work before supermarkets open and don't finish early enough before they close. Besides the fact that there…
  • It hasn't really been that way, I have been in my current lifestyle activity for 4 months now and have dropped an incredible amount of weight just by chance, so I wanted to start documenting it without making any changes in my activity/eating habits just to see the rate at which I'm losing/how much I'll lose if I continue…
  • Okay so basically to sum it up I am 60kg, set my goal to 55, every day it tells me "if you keep eating like today you will weigh..." and anywhere between 51 to 55 kilos (it changes every day of course) but apparently I have not lost any weight so far because I have not hit my caloric goal once, which is MUCH higher than…
  • 2300 and I hit on average about 1200, sometimes less than 1000. I guess steven's answer makes the most sense but for example when I look at my timeline, the line is staying constant, even though MFP tells me that I need to eat more to reach the weight I want and tells me I'll be two kilos less than my current goal in 5…
  • Thanks for the comments, they were so fast and I learned a lot! Basically my goal weight is 5 kilos less than my current weight, but MFP is telling me that I'm not reaching my caloric intake goal ever and so my weight will stay the same rather than losing. And that's what I don't understand...how is my weight staying the…