rosenda9375 Member


  • Hmmmm? Lol my doc told me to eat around 900-1000 cal daily!! I've been able to stay around the 1000-1200 range on most days, including those I earn back from exercising, but after a 30 minute workout I do feel hungry and that's usually when I go for those extra 100-200 cal to feel not so drained :( not sure if this is ok…
  • I'll also be 40 in a few weeks and with all the family history of diabetes and coronary artery disease, I HAVE to get in better shape! I was always thin and had been able to eat what I wanted and not really gain much- even after I had our 3 boys- but that all changed when I hit around 33 and was diagnosed with Hashimoto's…
  • I was finally diagnosed with Ménière's disease about 18 months ago by an ENT doctor. I had horrible episodes of vertigo especially during the night, I would literally be awakened by the spinning in my head:( It got to the point where I couldn't even lay semi sitting on pillows and look from side to side just with my eyes…
  • Absolutely hilarious (mostly to myself) and sarcasm is an added bonus
  • In the same boat as most of you! Hope to lose 45 lbs total and get healthy
  • Love your motivation and energy :) I'm new to MFP and am also on a medical weight loss program thru my doc..... Rather stringent but I made some adjustments! I'm currently on Phentermine 1x daily and she originally wanted me to do 1 meal and 2 protein shakes daily, NO carbs, sugar, tons of water etc. I felt horrible the…