RebelHips Member


  • Hey hamstertango, thanks for the Floravital tonic shoutout! I had no idea that existed and think it could be beneficial to me :)
  • So interesting to see the variations! I'm 5'6", 195lbs and wear a size 14/16.
  • Tottie has some great suggestions up there! I had the same battle when I first became vegetarian about 10 years ago. I was eating a lot of junk. Give yourself some time to figure it out - it's definitely a learning process. A sample of basic stuff I always have on hand: - avocados - hummus - eggs - beans (black and pinto,…
  • Ugh, PCOS is the WORST. I feel ya. It took me 2 years to lose 80lbs and it was hard and strict as heck! No processed foods, very light (natural) sugar, light dairy, amped up protein, daily exercise (usually an intense walk 45 mins a day) and no meat (though I've been vegetarian for a while anyway). Absolutely no cheating…
  • As a vegetarian, I've found that when i'm craving sugar, it's really just my body needing protein. Having quick, pre-made protein snacks readily available really helps.
  • I find that when the munchies kick in, I binge on the most awful junk food! Fat, sugar and carbs are my go-to's :neutral: What do you guys do to keep this in check? Especially when you're craving junk and the thought of something healthy is just not doing it.
  • ^ I'm in the same boat :neutral: I don't know about you, but I've found that social media sometimes makes me feel really bad about myself. I'm constantly comparing myself to others and their achievements. When I detox from Instagram for a week, I've found that i'm happier about my own weight loss journey and i'm not so…
  • Sorry if this is an amateur question, but... how often should I be eating? Currently, due to my work schedule, I eat super healthy meals at 7:00am and 11:45am and then I go home and stuff myself silly with sugar, fat and carbs. If I eat a healthy meal when I get home (around 4), i'll be hungry again around 7:00 and am not…
  • Such great suggestions in here! Though these may have been mentioned before, here's what I've found helpful in my 6:30am-3:00pm, M-F gig: - I use my two 15-minute breaks to go outside and walk. - I walk to the printer often, instead of letting documents pile up and picking them up all at once. - I sneak in squats and…