emilytay23 Member


  • apple slices with peanut butter! :) frozen grapes (SUPER YUM)
  • hey amsdragonfly, you can try incorporating it in the mash. Really simple - simple cut the cauliflower up into small chunks, boil it in some water, drain it and chuck it in the blender. Add a dash of milk, salt and pepper to taste. You can eat this as it is or mix it with sweet potato mash with is done in the exact same…
  • stationary bike on low intensity for about 10 minutes or less, then did resistance training (Kayla Itsines' BBG) Arms & Abs Day. I always think I can do better in hind sight, but during the workout, more often than not, i feel like death and quitting. So, happy that I didn't quit but not too chuffed about my performance. :/
  • Maybe you can try variations of comfort foods? For example, swap mashed potatoes with mashed SWEET potatoes. I don't like them on their own, but as mash or fries (bakes), salted and with pepper, I love them way more than regular potatoes. I find that it has much more character. You can add mashed cauliflower to the mix to…
  • I'm aware that my journey may not seem as hard as some of you guys. But let's still do this together :) I've been stuck at this stage for the longest time and am ready to get out of this rut for good.
  • I'm 25 years old, 164cm and 66kilos. Would love to go down to 56kilos but remain fit and strong. It's been forever since I told myself "in 6 months, I will be....." And it's never happened. Would love some motivation to get going :) add me!
  • I've always been the bigger girl. My lowest weight was 128lbs but that was from not eating as a result of sadness from a terrible break up - not healthy at all. Living in Malaysia where food is at the heart of almost every aspect in life, it is infinitely challenging to try and eat right. I want to bring more balance into…
  • I try going healthy with breakfast. Oats with a medium banana and a teaspoon of chia seeds. Lemon water and pu erh tea to keep hydrated through the day. Lunch and dinner can vary according to what the people at the office feel like having for lunch and what's being prepared for dinner at home (lucky enough to have meals…
  • Starting weight: 160lbs Current weight: 146 lbs Goal weight: 123 lbs I know my goal may not seem as significant as everyone else's but this but has always been the greatest battle and where I fall off the wagon.
  • Kuala Lumpur! :)