I suggest not caring what that number shows you should be burning. It's relative. Just find things you love and do them. And watch yourself change and grow in time. And be patient with yourself. And don't beat yourself up on the days you don't do anything. Just be super proud on the days you do.
I want to be healthy and fit so I can fully live my life to the fullest and never sit the sidelines again. I want to know I'm strong enough to try anything. To just walk around everyday in life being comfortable in my own skin. To set the example for my kids. To show them how to live a full life by taking care of ourselves…
This is why alot of people stay away from the scale. I used to let the scale unnecessarily make me feel things I didn't need to worry about. Our bodies fluctuate a lot. So many factors. I only care about the basics of being healthy, long term. So you showed a gain after eating what you did. It doesn't mean anything long…
Yum Big macs
Hot salsa
No but will someday ;) Hye danced in the rain
Cheese head
So am I ;)
She once died her boyfriends pubic hair hot pink while he was sleeping. That's didn't end well.
You are awesome
That my long legs are stronger then hers
You are Fantastic
Black hair dye
Lipstick maker
Little boys
False Tnp likes huckleberry wine
Kissy lips
Love the color of your top
True Tnp performed cpr to save someones life
The Lost Boys
Pretty eyes
I really like the way she thinks
That's not statistically true that black pens are bigger then blue pens. Depends on the manufacturer of the pen. Personally I really like black pens but I also adore blue. So guess that means I'm open to possibilities. I like maroon too.