Got my scale today now I have to go back and read about how I am supposed to use it. It has oz. grams, and lbs just have to put it to use.
I lost 72 lbs on my own before this mess with my health put a stop to it and I have not made one excuse that is not Dr. validated
There has been to much negativaty towards me, my problems and such. I thought this was suppose to be a place for support and I have put you ideas in place and still get negativaty, so I will not be using the community anymore. If you have something helpful or supportive you can message me as I will you. I started using…
They said they kept getting returned so I didn't buy one
I am going to be off of here for about a week. I went to buy a scale to weigh my food and Walmart didn't have any decent one and the sales associate told me not to buy any they had so I have to order one online and I also need to familiarize myself with how to do the weighing and how to learn how to get all the numbers I…
Thank you very much
How do I do that, I am not computer or phone app savy and have to ask for directions
I wish I could print from my iPhone it would be so much easier
I managed to lose 72lbs before my leg problem. I went from 412lbs to 335lbs before so I do know a little about what to do, my goal is to get down to 250, go to Walmart and buy a small steamer they are great for baked potatoes make them very fluffy and thanks for the help and being nice about it
I also take protein supplements and I eat a lot of steamed veggies and salads
I am going to try and get an appt set up tommorrow
Some people are being a bit tough about my lack of knowledge on the subject and I want to learn it is a little discouraging to me.
I didn't attack or blame anyone, I was just comfortable at 1200 CD. I am going to learn how to weigh food hope I don't offend anyone
I am having the 1st leg fixed Dec.17. They are going to burn the bad ones closed with a laser and he did say there would be a lot of down time
Yes exactly I know nothing about it. This weekend getting a scale should I get some kind of weight watchers book
How do I do the weighing and were do I come up with the numbers
I log in what I eat and drink about 150oz of water or tea a day my blood work is all screwed up and fixing one at a time unless other needed
i have never blamed anyone, I don't know we're you get your info from
I have a very bad back, Parkinson's Desease, and right now I have venous vein reflux. It mean the little flaps in my veins are not working and it allows backflow of blood in my calls and is painful if I overdo it. Right know I wear compression hoes to help, I think my first surgery is Dec. 17.
Yes I know, I keep it low for piece of mind but most of time I do stay close to 1200 because I can't excersize right now
Thanks for encouragement and suggestions
I had a DBS put in my brain in 2002, that is a Deep Brain Stimulation. Before I had it l couldn't use utensils or write and sometimes crawl to get around
I was in my 40's
No I haven't seen a Rheumatologist what is the disorder
Going to start back a week from Monday going to PT, Dr. Thinks I have strained the muscles in lower back and sides.
I had 14 hr brain surgery in 2002, I had a DBS Implantted "deep brain stimulation" and it has made my PD very manageable
Because of my PD I lift light high reps and have already been checked for a bladder or kidney issues and all was fine. It is hard to describe it is a dull pain all the way across my lower back
thanks for the info I am not getting Premium
Wow this is really an eye opener but how do you turn oz's or grams into calories
Yes I have had full blood work ups done