HalT93mfp Member


  • Hahaha I'd absolutely loved it if you worked out with me! Even if it's on a virtual basis, I know it's not just as fun because you can't see the crazy chaos that goes on! But I wouldn't mind having a DDR partner! :D you need to find the lost mat and we need to DDR! If you don't mind dancing with a 21 year old, that is XD…
  • Well bless you for working so hard and I'm really sorry to hear all that happen to you, especially at a young age! I am not of service because I'm trying to get back on track after some personal struggles, and I don't know much other than that I'm sure some of the doctors in hospitals usually know a support group as well.…
  • Hey there! I'm 21 and looking to lose 70 lbs total XP 230lbs now and aim to shoot for 160 in the far future! Add me and we can support and motivate each other :) I know we all here can do it! Especially with such a supporting community!
  • I just have a question now lol. My mother and I recently cooked late at night yesterday for some people, some extremely watered down white spaghetti and lean ground meat with tomato paste. Although I haven't tried it, i was meaning to save some of my calorie amount to eat that. Is that still as bad? Or should I find a…
  • I tried to lose a lot of weight before and succeeded a year ago but after a traumatizing incident where my best friend committed suicide, my ex girlfriend and first love broke up, and a huge family crisis that resulted in losing my job i had since 2009, I had gained 50lbs from stress eating and depression. I binge ate for…
  • I just got back on today after a long hiatus haha if you need a friend too I gotchu!
  • hey there! I'm Hal! aha kinda embarressed to show how I look but hey I will! aha