20 yrs young ( F ) with a brain tumor and trying to get fit

Hello im 20 years young and suffering from a brain tumor im currently on the depo shot and it mad me gain 50 pounds in the past 2 years ( i was originally 145) being on the depo makes you crave food so i started to gain weight on top of that being stressed to finish high school and recently finding out that my mom(a single parent) had stage 4 breast cancer i have 4 siblings and im the oldest so being stressed out more on working, paying bills,finishing school, and making sure my brother and sisters ate every night made me gain even more weight. My Doctor recently gave me Topamax for my headache and he said it causes weight loss so hopefully it helps but if anyone have any advice on how to lose weight on depo and know someone with breast cancer or any type of cancer and would like to chat im all ears! Xoxo


  • HalT93mfp
    HalT93mfp Posts: 10 Member
    Well bless you for working so hard and I'm really sorry to hear all that happen to you, especially at a young age! I am not of service because I'm trying to get back on track after some personal struggles, and I don't know much other than that I'm sure some of the doctors in hospitals usually know a support group as well. But if there is anything a 21 year old person like me can do to give and send support, then add me and hopefully and surely we will achieve our goals! Plus I know you'll definitely make it out strong :) My thoughts and prayers out to you!